Dr Abdullahi El-Tom

Gaeilge agus fáilte
Emeritus Associate Professor
Research Interests
War and Violence - A Biography of Khalil Ibrahim, Rebel Leader of the Justice and Equality Movement of Darfur, Sudan.
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2017 | Abdullahi El-Tom (2017) 'From drinking the Koran: The meaning of Berti erasure' In: The Qur'an; A revised translation, origins, interpretations and analysis. New York & London : Norton Critical Editions. | |
2015 | AbdullahiEl-Tm and Tanya Cassidy (2015) 'Introduction' In: Ethnographers of breastfeeding; Cultural contexts and confrontation. USA : Bloomsbury. | |
2015 | Abdullahi El-Tom (2015) 'Religion, wet-nursing and laying the ground for breastmilk banking in Darfur, Sudan' In: Ethnographers of breastfeeding; Cultural contexts and confrontation. USA : Bloomsbury. | |
2010 | Dr Abdullahi Osman El Tom and T. Cassidy (2010) 'Compring, sharing and banking milk: Issues of gift exchange and community in the Sudan and Ireland ' In: R. Shaw & A. Bartlett(Eds.). Giving Breastmilk . : Demeter Press. | |
2009 | El Tom, A.O. (2009) 'The Black Book; Imbalance of power and wealth in Sudan: A review' In: S. Hassan and C. Ray(Eds.). Darfur and the crisis of governance: A critical Reader. : Cornell University Press. | |
2009 | Dr Abdullahi Osman El Tom and M.A. Saleh (2009) 'Introduction ' In: M. A. Saleh(Eds.). Interpreting Islamic Political Parties . : Palgrave. [Full-Text] | |
2009 | El Tom, A. (2009) 'Darfur People: Too Black for the Arab Project of Sudan. ' In: S. Hasan and C. Ray(Eds.). Darfur and the Crisis of Governance: A Critical Reader. : Cornell University Press. | |
2009 | El Tom, A.O. (2009) 'Introduction' In: M. A. Salih(Eds.). Interpreting Islamic political parties. : Palgrave. | |
2009 | El Tom, A.O. (2009) 'The Black Book: Imbalance of power and wealth in Sudan. Part I, Seekers of Truth and Justice. Translation into English' In: S. Hassan and C. Ray(Eds.). Darfur and the crisis of governance: A critical Reader. : Cornell University Press. | |
2009 | El Tom, A.O. (2009) 'The Arab Congregation [Gathering] and the ideology of genocide in Darfur, Sudan' In: Darfur and the crisis of governance: A critical Reader. : Cornell University Press. | |
2008 | A. El Tom (2008) 'Darfur Movements: Vision and Blueprints for Action. ' In: Ulf Johansson Dahre(Eds.). Sweden : University of Lund. [Full-Text] | |
2004 | A. El Tom (2004) 'Islamic Medicine and Healing' In: R. Martin(Eds.). Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World. USA : MacMillan. | |
2004 | A. El Tom (2004) 'Islamic- Healing' In: Encyclopedia of Islam and the Western World. USA : MacMillan. | |
1997 | A. El Tom (1997) 'Vowing to Survive; Socio-economic changes in Burush, Western Sudan' In: F.Ibrahim et. al(Eds.). Coping with Resource Scarcity: Case studies from Tanzania and Sudan. Geowissenschaftliche Arbeiten. : Univeristy of Bayreuth. | |
1992 | (1992) 'Plenary: On the Concept of the Third World' In: T. Caherty(Eds.). Is Ireland a Third World Country?. Belfast : Beyond the Pale Publications. |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2012 | Dr Abdullahi Osman El Tom (2012) 'From war to peace and reconciliation in Darfur: Prospects for Judiyya '. AFRICA DIALOGUE- MONOGRAPH SERIES, 2 :99-120. [Full-Text] | |
1998 | El-Tom A. (1998) 'Islam and cultural identity among the Berti of Sudan'. Geo Journal, 46 (2):155-162. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
1998 | El-Tom A. (1998) 'Female circumcision and ethnic identification in Sudan with special reference to the Berti of Darfur'. Geo Journal, 46 (2):163-170. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | El Tom, A. (2010) 'The Arab Congregation and the ideology of genocide in Darfur'. JOURNAL OF AFRICAN NATIONAL AFFAIRS, 3 :27-52. [Full-Text] | |
2007 | A. El Tom (2007) 'Darfur Movements: Vision and Blueprints for action'. JOURNAL OF AFRICAN NATIONAL AFFAIRS, 3 :37-49. [Full-Text] | |
2006 | A. El Tom (2006) 'Darfur people: Too black for the Arab-Islamic Project of Sudan, Part II'. Irish Journal of Anthropology, 9 :12-18. [Full-Text] | |
2005 | A. El Tom and Tahir. A. Adam. (2005) 'A Mercenary author for hire: David Hoile and his new book on Darfur. '. Irish Journal of Anthropology, 8 :87-89. [Full-Text] | |
2004 | A. El Tom (2004) 'The Black Book of Sudan'. Review of African Political Economy, . | |
2003 | A. El Tom (2003) 'The Black Book of Sudan: Imbalance of Power and Wealth in Sudan'. JOURNAL OF AFRICAN NATIONAL AFFAIRS, 1 :25-35. | |
1998 | A. El Tom (1998) 'The Management of Habboba illness among the Berit of Dafur'. Curare, 14 :1-6. | |
1998 | A. El Tom, Jad El-Rab M.Sharif (1998) 'Self Medication in Sweireeba Village: Central Sudan'. AFRICAN ANTHROPOLOGY, IV :52-67. | |
1998 | A. El Tom, Jad El-Rab M.Sharif (1998) 'McCourt's Angela's Ashes and the Portrait of the Other'. Irish Journal of Anthropology, 3 :78-90. [Full-Text] | |
1998 | A. El Tom (1998) 'Female circumcision and ethnic identification in Sudan with reference to the Berti of Darfur'. Geojournal, 46 :163-170. [Full-Text] | |
1996 | A. El Tom (1996) 'Traditional Practices and Perinatal health in a Sudanese village'. Curare, . | |
1996 | A. El Tom (1996) 'The Bone Setter: A Case Study from Central Sudan'. AFRICAN ANTHROPOLOGY, 3 :91-112. | |
1995 | A. El Tom (1995) 'The informal channels of indigenous tenants in coping with the inefficient bureaucracy of the Gezira Scheme'. Geojournal, 36 :79-85. | |
1995 | A. El Tom (1995) 'Nutritional Beliefs and Practices in Umshanig, Central Sudan'. Anthropology Ireland, 5 :31-52. | |
1985 | A. El Tom (1985) 'Drinking the Koran: The meaning of Koranic verses in Berti erasure'. Africa, 55 :414-431. | |
1982 | A. El Tom (1982) 'Berti Quaranic Schools'. SUDAN NOTES AND RECORDS, 63 :1-19. | |
1981 | A. El Tom (1981) 'Etiology and Treatment of Habboba illness among the Berti eople of Northern Dafur'. SUDAN JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH, :37-62. | |
1977 | A. El Tom (1977) 'Berti Quranic amulets'. Journal of Religion in Africa, 17 :224-244. [Full-Text] |
Other Journal
Year | Publication | |
2013 | Abdullahi El-Tom (2013) 'Towards the abolition of African official armies' Small Wars Journal, 9 (3) :1-20. [Full-Text] | |
1995 | A. El Tom (1995) 'Towards the concept of famine criminals' Irish Reporter, 19 :27-28. |
Conference Contribution
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
2012 | Dr Abdullahi Osman El Tom (2012) Natsios and his heretical revelations about Sudan . THES [Full-Text] |
Technical Publication
Year | Publication | |
2008 | A. El Tom (2008) Sudan's Defence Minister: How Racist Can he be?. TP | |
2008 | A. El Tom (2008) Breaking a Taboo: Mr. Nur and his SLM Office in Israel. TP [Full-Text] | |
2008 | A. El Tom (2008) Expert De Waal Continus Misleading the World on Darfur. TP | |
2008 | A. El Tom (2008) Towards a Sudan without a Government Army. TP [Full-Text] | |
2007 | A. El Tom (2007) JEM Welcomes Albashir’s Positive Move on Darfur Compensation Fund. TP [Full-Text] | |
2007 | A. El Tom (2007) Arab Congregation of Darfur: Arabic Version, Altajamu Alarabi. TP | |
2007 | A. El Tom (2007) Stop the Slaughter in Darfur. TP | |
2007 | A. El Tom, M. A. Sulaiman (2007) Can Darfur Survive the CPA?. TP [Full-Text] | |
2007 | A. El Tom (2007) USA Administration and its JEM Phobia. TP [Full-Text] | |
2007 | A. El Tom (2007) Darfur Movements: Vision and Blue Prints for Actions. TP [Full-Text] | |
2007 | A. El Tom (2007) Arab Congregation of Darfur. TP | |
2007 | A. El Tom (2007) UN ban KI-Moon and his Drought Thesis of Darfur Conflict. TP [Full-Text] | |
2007 | A. El Tom (2007) Elfashir is Nearer than Kampala: JEM/NRF Commends New SPLM Stance on Darfur. TP | |
2006 | A. El Tom (2006) Darfur Peace should be Renegotiated, Not Enhanced. TP [Full-Text] | |
2006 | A. El Tom (2006) Darfur-Darfur Dialogue and the Litany of AU Deceit. TP [Full-Text] | |
2006 | A. El Tom (2006) AU Effectively Dismantles the CFC and the JC in Darfur. TP | |
2006 | A. El Tom (2006) US Must Regain the Lead in Darfur: An Open Letter to George W. Bush. TP [Full-Text] |
Working Paper
Year | Publication | |
1994 | El-Tom, A. (1994) Mugging the poor: the Bretton Woods institutions and the pursuit of African development. WP [Full-Text] |
Year | Publication | |
2013 | Dr Abdullahi Osman El Tom (2013) The Zaghawa; Past and Present . OTHER [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Dr Abdullahi Osman El Tom (2012) The legacy of Khalil Ibrahim, the founder of JEM . OTHER [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Dr Abdullahi Osman El Tom (2011) Towards a united north Sudan under Darfur presidency . OTHER [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Dr Abdullahi Osman El Tom (2010) The Black Book haunts Al Bashir's new cabinet . OTHER [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Dr Abdullahi Osman El Tom (2010) Khartoum's Minister threatens reprisal following January Referundum . OTHER [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Dr Abdullahi Osman El Tom (2010) Transferred to Darfur: The notorious judge in the case of the flogged woman . OTHER [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Dr Abdullahi Osman El Tom (2009) Exterminating Darfur people by evicting their NGO feeders . OTHER [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Dr Abdullahi Osman El Tom (2009) US Envoy Gratin and his cookies and honey strategy for Sudan. OTHER [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Dr Abdullahi Osman El Tom (2009) Sudan: Between Unity and Disintegration. OTHER [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Dr Abdullahi Osman El Tom (2009) Abdul Rasouls personal vendetta against President of JEM. OTHER [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Dr Abdullahi Osman El Tom (2009) From war to peace and reconciliation. OTHER [Full-Text] |
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