Prof Carl Anders Säfström

Centre for Public Education and Pedagogy

Professor of Educational Research

Education House
(01) 474 7580


Säfström is a Professor of Educational Research, and Director of the Centre for Public Education and Pedagogy, Faculty of Social Sciences at Maynooth University, since November 2017. His previous positions include a Baltic Sea Foundation Professor of Education at Södertörn University, Sweden between 2013-2017 and a position as Professor of Education and Dean of Education at Mälardalen University, Sweden 2005-2013. Since his PhD in 1994 from Uppsala University, he was affiliated with Uppsala University as a Lecturer and later as a Senior Lecturer. Säfström was also part of senior management of Teacher Education, and program director for the Centre for Didactics. At Mälardalen University he was a member of the senior management group and the Director of Didactica Academia, a joint project between Örebro University and Mälardalen University supporting research development in the area. Säfström was the Director of a productive research group, SIDES for ten years between 2003-2013, which had members from three universities and members of international research networks in the philosophy of education and teaching and learning and curriculum theory. He has also been the Director of a PhD research school on Philosophical Studies of Educational Relations, funded by the Swedish Research Agency between 2011-2017. Säfström was the President for Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) 2013-2016 and a board member since 2010, with 700 members across the Nordic countries. He served as Visiting Professor at The Laboratory for Educational Theory, University of Stirling 2009-2012. Säfströms research interests include educational philosophy and theory, educational policy focusing on the relations between democracy, public education, and school for all. Mainly his interests are in the politics of emancipation, the ethics of responsibility and the aesthetics of freedom. Säfström is deeply engaged in social justice issues concerning education. He publishes extensively in scientific journals, writes academic books, contributes to anthologies, and is regularly invited internationally to give talks and keynotes in his expertise areas. Professor Säfström has recently been honoured with a three-year adjunct professorship at the University of South Australia.


Year Publication
2023 Carl Anders Säfström (2023) Education for Everyday Life. A Sophistical Practice of Teaching. Singapore: Springer Nature. [Link] [DOI]
2020 Säfström, Carl Anders (2020) A pedagogy of equality in a time of unrest. Strategies for an ambiguous future. London: Routledge. [DOI]
2015 Säfström, C.A. (2015) Jämlikhetens pedagogik. Lund: Gleerup.
2012 Ekerwald, H. & Säfström, C.A. (2012) Levd demokrati? Skola och mobbning i ungdomars liv. Stockholm: Liber.
2007 Säfström, C.A. (2007) Forskellighedens paedagogik. Nye veje i paedagogisk teori. Århus: Klim.
2005 Säfström, C.A. (2005) Skillnadens pedagogik. Nya vägar inom den pedagogiska teorin. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2023 Säfström, C.A. (2023) 'The Forgotten Language of Public Education. From Hope to Equality' In: The New Publicness of Education. Democratic Possibilities After the Critique of Neo-liberalism. London : Routledge. [DOI]
2023 Carl Anders Säfström; Niclas Månsson (2023) 'Swedish teacher education and the school' In: Formação de professores ao redor do mundo: desafios e oportunidades /Teacher education around the world: Challenges and opportunities. Brazil : Brasília: Cátedra Unesco-UCB.
2021 Carl Anders Säfström (2021) 'Conclusion: Are You Awake, Yet?' In: Rethinking Education in the Light of Global Challenges. Scandinavian Perspectives on Culture, Society, and the Anthropocene. London : Routledge.
2021 Biesta, G. & Säfström, C.A. (2021) 'Et manifest for paedagogikken' In: Paedagogikkens fundamenter. Oslo : Gyldendal.
2017 Säfström, C.A.& Saeverot, H. (2017) 'Doing Harm To Educational Knowledge: The Struggle Over Teacher Education in Sweden and Norway' In: A Companion to Research in Teacher Education. Dordrecht : SAGE.
2017 Säfström, C.A. (2017) 'Undervisning som en pedagogisk relation' In: Pedagogikens språk: Begreper i pedaogogikkvitenskap. Oslo : Gyldendal.
2014 Säfström, C.A. (2014) 'When the Wrong People Speak: On Bullying as a Political Problem for Democratisation in Schools' In: Civil Learning, Democratic Citizenship and the Public Sphere. Dordrecht : Springer.
2014 Säfström, C.A. (2014) 'Intelligens för fler än en. Att läsa Dewey som radikal demokrat' In: Den reflekterade erfarenheten: John Dewey om demokrati, utbildning och tänkande. Stockholm : Södertörn Studies in Higher Education.
2013 Säfström, C.A. (2013) 'Stop Making Sense!: And Hear the Wrong People Speak' In: Education and the Political. New Theoretical Articulations. Rotterdam/Boston/Tapei : Sense Publishers.
2012 Säfström, C.A. (2012) 'What I talk About When I Talk About Education' In: Making Sense of Education:Fifteen Contemporary Educational Theorists in Their Own Words. Dordrecht : Springer.
2012 Biesta, G.J.J. & Säfström C.A. (2012) 'Et pedagogiska manifest' In: Om metode friheten og dens fjender. Copenhagen : Fjordager.
2012 Säfström, C.A. (2012) 'Det blir bättre om man läser böckerna! En öärarutbildares reflektion över lärarutbildningens politik, etik och teori' In: FoU I Praksis 2011. Rapport fra konferanse om praksisrettet FoU i laererutdanning. Trondheim : Tapir akademiskt Forlag.
2012 Säfström, C.A. (2012) 'Urgently in Need of a Different Story. Questioning Totalising Frameworks' In: Explorations in Narrative Research. Rotterdam/Boston/Tapei : Sense Publishers.
2011 Säfström, C.A. (2011) 'The Immigrant Has No Proper Name. The disease of Consensual Democracy Within the Myth of Schooling' In: Ranciere, Public Education and the Taming of Democracy. Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley-Blackwell.
2011 Säfström, C.A. (2011) 'Equality and the Poetics of Teaching' In: General Didactics - Challenged by Diversity. Munster : Waxman.
2006 Säfström, C.A. (2006) 'Självskapandet och friheten' In: Erfarenheter av Pragmatism. Lund : Studentlitteratur.
2005 Säfström, C.A. (2005) 'Den paedagogiske psykologi. Diffentieringssporsmåle og den liberal+demokratiske velfaerdsstat' In: Udfordringer i filosofisk peadagogik. Köpenhamn : Danmarks Paedagogiske Universitets Forlag.
2004 Säfström, C.A. (2004) 'Den pedagogiska psykologin, differentieringsfrågan och den liberal-demokratiska välfärdsstaten' In: Utmaningar i pedagogisk filosofi. Lund : Studentlitteratur.
2000 Säfström, C.A. (2000) 'Om undervisningens konst' In: Didaktik. Lund : Studentlitteratur.
2000 Säfström, C.A. (2000) 'Perspektiv på undervisning samt introduktion till bokens kapitel' In: Didaktik. Lund : Studentlitteratur.
1999 Säfström, C.A. (1999) 'Educational Theory and Communicative Identity in an Ethical Space' In: Identity. Lund : studentlitteratur.
1999 Säfström, C.A.& Östman, L. (1999) 'Introduktion: om epistemologi, språk och pragmatism' In: Textanalys. Lund : studentlitteratur.
1999 Säfström, C.A. (1999) 'Att förskjuta perspektiv: Läsning som omvänd hermenuetik' In: Textanalys. Lund : Studentlitteratur.
1995 Säfström, C.A.& Östman, L. (1995) 'Den nya utbildningsretoriken' In: Utbildningspolitiskt systemskifte?. Stockholm : HLS Förlag.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 Säfström, C.A. & Rytzler, J. (2023) 'Teaching as improvisation'. Teoria de la Educacion, 35 (2). [Link] [DOI]
2023 Säfström, C.A. (2023) 'Some notes on the necessity of autonomous educational practice and two concerns'. Policy Futures in Education, . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Säfström C.A. (2022) 'Please, show me your world! A sophistical practice of teaching'. Revista de Educacion, 2022 (395):35-58. [DOI]
2022 Katrien Van Poeck and Carl Anders Säfström (2022) 'Editorial Special Issue ’Public Pedagogy and Sustainability Challenges’'. European Educational Research Journal, 21 (3):399-404.
2022 Säfström C.A. (2022) 'The Destruction of a Great Idea: Public Education and the Politics of Instrumentalism'. Educational Theory, . [DOI]
2021 Säfström C.A.; Månsson N. (2021) 'The marketisation of education and the democratic deficit'. European Educational Research Journal, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Safstrom, CA (2021) 'The ethical-political potentiality of the educational present: aristocratic principle versus democratic principle'. Teoria de la Educacion, 33 :11-33. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Carl Anders Säfström (2021) 'El potencial ético-político del presente educativa: Principio aristocrático versus principio democrático'. Teoria de la Educacion, 33 (1):11-33. https// [Full-Text]
2021 Carl Anders Säfström (2021) 'Teaching militant humility against the aggressions of a neoliberal world'. Discourse-Studies In The Cultural Politics Of Education, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 O’Toole L.; McClelland D.; Forde D.; O'Keeffe S.; Purdy N.; Säfström C.A.; Walsh T. (2021) 'Contested childhoods across borders and boundaries: Insights from curriculum provisions in Northern Ireland and the Irish Free State in the 1920s'. British Educational Research Journal, 47 (4):1021-1038. [Full-Text]
2020 Säfström, C.A. (2020) 'Time to teach?'. Civitas educationis. Education, Politics, and Culture, 9 (2). [Full-Text]
2020 Säfström, C.A. (2020) 'Are we living the end of democracy? A defence of the ‘free’ time of the university and school in an era of authoritarian capitalism'. CONJECTURA: FILOSOFIA E EDUCAÇÃO, . [Full-Text]
2020 Safstrom, CA; Ostman, L (2020) 'Transactive Teaching in a Time of Climate Crisis'. Journal of Philosophy of Education, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Biesta, G. & Säfström, C.A. (2019) 'Menntaávarpið'. . [Full-Text]
2019 Säfström, C.A. (2019) 'Paideia and the Search for Freedom in the Educational Formation of the Public of Today'. Journal of Philosophy of Education, . [Full-Text]
2018 Säfström, C.A. (2018) 'Todavia en defensa de la education. Una reflexion acerca del manifesto tras seis anos de su primera publication'. Praxis Educativa, 22 (2):43-46. [Full-Text]
2018 Langmann, E & Säfstöm, C.A. (2018) 'Varför tar våldet aldrig slut och vad kan vi göra åt det'. Nordic Studies in Education, 38 (4):337-351.
2018 Biesta, G. & Säfström, C.A. (2018) 'Un Manifesto por la Education'. Praxis Educativa, 22 (2):20-36. [Full-Text]
2018 Säfström C. (2018) 'Liveable life, educational theory and the imperative of constant change'. European Educational Research Journal, 17 (5):621-630. [DOI]
2016 Säfström, C.A. (2016) 'The Legacy of John Dewey: Educational Change and Teacher Commitment'. Utbildning & Demokrati, 25 (3):41-49.
2016 Säfström, C.A. (2016) 'The Commitment to Education. Opening Speech, NERA 2016'. Nordic Studies in Education, 35 (3):242-244.
2015 Säfström, C.-A. & Månsson, N. (2015) 'The Ontology of Learning, Or Teaching the Non-Person to Learn'. Interaccoes, 11 (37).
2015 Säfström, C.A. (2015) 'Whatever happened to teaching?'. Nordic Studies in Education, 35 (3-4):273-284.
2015 Säfström, C.A. & Saeverot, H. (2015) 'Att skada pedagogisk kunskap. Kampen om lärarutbildningen i Sverige och Norge'. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, 20 (3/4):300-314.
2014 Säfström, C.-A. (2014) 'The Passion of Teaching at the Border of Order'. Asian Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 42 (4):337-346.
2012 Säfsröm, C.A. (2012) 'Intelligence for More Than One'. Philosophy of Education, :418-426.
2012 Biesta, G.J.J. & Säfström C.A. (2012) 'Ett manifest för pedagogik'. Utbildning & Demokrati, 20 (3):85-97.
2012 Säfström, C.A. & Besta, G. (2012) 'Et manifest for pedagogikk'. Pedagogisk profil, 19 (3):6-9.
2012 Säfström, C.A. & Besta, G. (2012) 'Kasvatuksen ja koulutuksen manifesti'. Aikuiskasvatus, 31 (4):302-304.
2011 Biesta, G.J.J. & Säfström C.A. (2011) 'A Manifesto for education'. Policy Futures in Education, 9 (5):540-547.
2011 Säfström, C.A. (2011) 'What I Talk About When I Talk About Education'. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 30 (5):485-489.
2011 Säfsröm, C.A. (2011) 'Rethinking Emancipation, Rethinking Education'. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 30 (2):199-211.
2010 Säfsröm, C.A. (2010) 'Vad kan utbildning åstadkomma? En kritik av idealiserade föreställningar om utbildning'. Utbildning & Demokrati, 19 (3):11-22.
2010 Säfström, C.A. (2010) 'The Immigrant Has No Proper Name. The disease of Consensual Democracy Within the Myth of Schooling'. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 42 (5-6):606-617.
2008 Todd, S & Säfström, C.-A. (2008) 'Democracy, Education and Conflict: Rethinking Respect and the Place of the Ethical'. Journal of Educational Controversy, 3 (1). [Link]
2007 Säfsröm, C.A. (2007) 'Att erövra sin frihet: Vilja, uppmärksamhet och arbete'. Utbildning & Demokrati, 16 (3):101-106.
2006 Säfsröm, C.A. (2006) 'Demokratins antagonistiska pluralism: chantal Mouffe om det politiska'. Utbildning & Demokrati, 15 (1):101-108.
2005 Säfström, C.A. (2005) 'The European Knowledge Society and the Diminishing State Control of Education: The Case of Sweden'. Journal of Education Policy, 20 (5):583-593.
2004 Säfström, C.A. (2004) 'Symposium: Beyond the Modern/postmodern Debate, or How to Live With the Other'. Interchange, 35 (3):303-305.
2004 Säfström, C.A.& Månsson, N. (2004) 'The Limits of Socialisation'. Interchange, 35 (3):353-364.
2003 Säfsröm, C.A. (2003) 'Teaching otherwise'. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 22 (1):19-29.
2002 Säfström, C.A. (2002) 'Den demokratiske medborgaren går i skolan'. Framtider, (3):10-15.
2001 Säfström, C.A. (2001) 'Educational Psychology and the Ordering of Things'. Nordisk Pedagogik, 21 (3):214-230.
2001 Biesta, G.J.J. & Säfström C.A. (2001) 'Learning Democracy in a World of Difference'. THE SCHOOL FIELD, XII (5-6):5-20.
1999 Säfström, C.A. (1999) 'On the Way to A Postmodern Curriculum Theory - Moving From the Question of Unity to the Question of Difference'. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 18 (4):221-233.
1998 Säfström, C.A. (1998) 'Läroplansteori, nostalgi eller nytänkande?'. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, 3 (2):130-141.
1997 Säfström, C.A. (1997) 'Forty Years of the Philosophy of Education in the Nordic Countries (Sweden)'. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 41 (3-4):365-396.
1996 Säfström, C.A. (1996) 'Education as a Scientific Rational Discourse'. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 28 (1):57-71.
1996 Säfström, C.A. (1996) 'Pedagogisk essentialism: Om frånvaron av förändring i svensk lärarutbildning'. Utbildning & Demokrati, 5 (2):17-32.
1995 Säfström, C.A. (1995) 'Läsning som omvänd hermenuetik'. Utbildning & Demokrati, 4 (2):45-53.
1991 Säfström, C.-A. (1991) 'La construcción de un nueva campo científico en Sueco'. Revista de Educacion, 296 .

Edited Book

Year Publication
2023 Säfström C.A & Biesta, G (Ed.). (2023) The New Publicness of Education. Democratic Possibilities after the Critique of Neoliberalism. London: Routledge, [Link] [DOI]
2006 Säfström, C.A (Ed.). (2006) Den mångtydiga skolan. Utbildning i det postmoderna samhället. Lund: Studentlitteratur,
2000 Säfström, C.A. & Svedner, P.O (Ed.). (2000) Didaktik. Lund: Studentlitteratur,
1999 Säfström, C.A (Ed.). (1999) Ientity. Questioning the logic of Identity in Educational Theory. Lund: Studentlitteratur,
1999 Säfström, C.A.& Östman, L (Ed.). (1999) Textanalys. Lund: Studentlitteratur,

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2012 Säfström, C.A. (2012) Philosophy of Education Society . In: Clauida W. Ruitenberg eds. Intelligence for More Than One. Reading Dewey as a Radical Democrat Urbana, Illinois,
2010 Säfström, C.A. (2010) Philosophy of Education Society . In: Gert Biesta eds. On What Premises Do People Engage in Political Life? Response Urbana, Illinois,

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2020 Carl Anders Säfström (2020) Education: Four Distinctions and a Definition NERA (Nordic Educational Research Association Congress Turku, 04/03/2020-06/03/2020.
2019 Säfström, Carl Anders (2019) Are we living the end of democracy? A defence of the 'free time' of university and school the international conference “Philosophies of education and critical pedagogies PUCS, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 27/07/2019-28/07/2019.
2018 Säfström, C.A. (2018) Wednesday seminars The formation of new Publics: Teaching Without a Future London Institute of Education, .
2018 Säfström, C.A. (2018) the 10th Annual Bergen Educational Conversation Time to Teach Hogskulen pa Västlandet, Bergen, .
2018 Säfström, C.A. (2018) European conference on Educational Research The philosophy of public pedagogy and its contribution to sustainability challenges University of Bolzano, .
2018 Säfström, C.A. (2018) Rethinking Teaching Symposium A Pedagogy of the Depressed: Teaching Without a Future University of Malta, .
2018 Säfström, C.A. (2018) CAPP: Practice and Power Time to Teach: Radical change and the Subversive Energy of Educational Thought Dublin, .
2018 Säfström, C.A. (2018) Laerermotet 2018 - Dannelse i skolen Time to Teach: Radical Change and the Subversive Energy of educational Thought Ryslinge Hojskole, .
2017 Säfström, C.A. (2017) Symposium Democracy in Schools and Post-politics NLA University, Bergen, .
2017 Säfström, C.A. (2017) Nordic Educational research Association Concerning educational thought and teacher education University of Oslo, .
2017 Säfström, C.A. (2017) Culturally Responsive Pedagogy The scandal of a culturally responsive pedagogy. Or teaching anything to anyone School of education, University of South Australia, .
2017 Säfström, C.A. (2017) Symposium Why is Higher Education Under Pressure? NLA University, Bergen, .
2017 Säfström, C.A. (2017) Public Pedagogy and sustainability Challenges Paideia and the Search for Freedom Ghent University, .
2017 Säfström, C.A. (2017) European Conference of Educational Research (ECER) Liveable Life, Educational Theory and the Imperative of Constant Change University college UCC Copenhagen, .
2017 Säfström, C.A. (2017) Seminar Equality and special education Department of special education, Stockholm university, .
2017 Säfström, C.A. (2017) Staff Seminar on Co-operative Research Co-Operative Research in Our Times Modern Museum of art Stockholm, .
2017 Säfström, C.A. (2017) Symposium Education as the art of breathing change and freedom into culture Brunel University, .
2016 Säfström, C.A. (2016) Seminar Education without Time - Or No Time For Education Faculty of Arts, Valand Art School, Gothenburg University, .
2016 Säfström, C.A. (2016) Philosophy of Education Society (PES) Educational/pedagogical sciences - educational/pedagogical studies from the perspective of educational philosophy Toronto, .
2016 Säfström, C.A. (2016) Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Educational change and teacher commitment Helsinki, .
2016 Säfström, C.A. (2016) Seminar A School for All? NTNU Trondheim, .
2016 Säfström, C.A. (2016) European Conference of Educational Research (ECER) Paideia and the search for freedom in the educational formation of the public today Dublin, UCD, .
2016 Säfström, C.A. (2016) NERA The Commitment to Education University of Helsinki, .
2016 Säfström, C.A. (2016) Bridging the Gap In Defense of Public Education and the Original Radicalism of the Concept of Teaching SWDESD, Uppsala University, .
2016 Säfström, C.A. (2016) International Network of Philosophers of Education Making claims to publicity in the name of social justice, equality and solidarity in education Warsaw, .
2015 Säfström, C.A. (2015) NERA The Right and Duty To Speak the Truth Gothenburg University, .
2015 Säfström, C.A. (2015) Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Responding to Rancières warning! Teacher as partisan in the age of marketisation and differentiation Gothernburg, .
2014 Säfström, C.A.& Månsson, N. (2014) Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Education - something more than just learning the lesson Lillehammer, .
2014 Säfström, C.A. (2014) NERA Sustainability: A Call For Time University of Lillehammer, .
2014 Säfström, C.A.& Månsson, N. (2014) European Conference of Educational Research (ECER) The promise of learning ruled out the hope of education Porto, .
2014 Säfström, C.A. (2014) Who Needs Pädagogik? An International Conversation What is the (educational) Problem? A Swedish History of Pedaoggics Luxembourg University, .
2014 Säfström, C.A. (2014) International Network of Philosophers of Education (INPE) Who can speak and cannot in the Neo-liberal learning society Cozensa, .
2014 Säfström, C.A. (2014) Theorising the Work of Education About teaching Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Universidade Nova Lisboa, .
2013 Säfström, C.A.& Månsson, N. (2013) European Conference of Educational Research (ECER) The limits of learning Istanbul, .
2013 Säfström, C.A. et al (2013) Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Whatever happened to teaching? Reykjavik, .
2013 Säfström, C.A. (2013) the SPIRE Seminar on Enhancing Professionalism in Teaching Theoretical Resources and the conduct of Teaching, or Passionate Teachers and the Community of Poets Bergen University, .
2012 Säfström, C.A. (2012) Laboratory of Educational Theory What is wrong with this picture? A critique of tendencies of reduction of educational theory within universities in Sweden Stirling, 07/06/2012-09/06/2012.
2012 Säfström, C.A. (2012) Symposium Education as a Scientific Discipline Aarhus University, .
2012 Säfström, C.A. (2012) Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Education beyond the order of the madmen. Jacques Ranciere on being attentive Copenhagen, 08/03/2012-11/03/2012.
2012 biesta, G.J.J. & Säfström C.A. (2012) American Educational Research Association A manifesto for education. A critical discussion Vancouver, 13/04/2012-17/04/2012.
2011 Säfström, C.A. (2011) SCAPE Stop Making Sense? Teaching Without Ground University of Gdansk, .
2011 Säfström, C.A. (2011) FoU, Research and Education in Praxis It gets better if one reads the books. Reflections of a teacher educator NTNU, HiST, Trondheim, .
2011 Säfström, C.A. (2011) European Conference of Educational Research (ECER) Equality and the poetics of teaching Helsinki, 25/08/2011-27/08/2011.
2011 Säfström, C.A. (2011) SCAPE Stop making sense! Teaching without ground University of Gdansk, 06/05/2011-07/05/2011.
2011 Säfström, C.A. (2011) Invitational Symposium on Narratives, Context and Learning In Need of Another Story University og Brighton, .
2010 Säfström, C.A. (2010) International Network of Philosophers of Education (INPE) Towards a politics of aesthetics Bogota, 28/07/2010-31/07/2010.
2010 Säfström, C.A. (2010) Heterogenity. General didactics Meets the Stranger Didactics, the Other University College Volda, .
2010 Säfström, C.A. (2010) Heterogenity. General didactics Meets the Stranger Teaching - A matter of making the strange familiar or making the familiar strange? University College Volda, .
2010 Säfström, C.A. (2010) Philosophy of Education Society (PES) On what premises do people engage in political life? Response SAn Fransisco, .
2010 Säfström, C.A. (2010) Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Educating the citizen: the end of emancipation and the beginning of freedom Malmö, .
2010 Säfström, C.A. (2010) Philosophy of Education Society (PES) Intelligence for more than one. Reading Dewey as radical democrat Pittsburgh, 22/03/2012-26/03/2012.
2009 Säfström, C.A. (2009) European Conference of Educational Research (ECER) Education is not schooling. On the possibility of emancipating ourselves Vienna, 25/09/2009-26/09/2009.
2009 Säfström, C.A. (2009) Invited Researchers Speak Difference, Dissensus and Democracy Centre for German and European Studies and Faculty of Education, York University, Toronto, .
2009 Säfström, C.A. (2009) Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) The immigrant has no proper name Trondheim, 06/03/2009-08/03/2009.
2009 Säfström, C.A. (2009) SCAPE Difference, dissensus and Democracy: Revitalizing the Political in Education UBC, Vancouver, .
2009 Säfström, C.A. (2009) SCAPE Rethinking emancipation, rethinking education Vancouver, 16/10/2009-18/10/2009.
2008 Säfström, C.A. (2008) International Research Symposia: Facing democratic tensions in/through education Democracy is not a tea party: On dissensus in education Mälardalen University/Eskilstuna, 16/05/2008-18/05/2008.
2008 Säfström, C.A. (2008) Education as a matter of public concern A conflictual pedagogy of dissensus: Chantal Mouffe and Jacques Ranciere on the political dimension of education Leuven University, .
2008 Säfström, C.A. (2008) American Educational Research Association On Jacques Ranciere and Education, A response New York, 24/03/2008-28/03/2008.
2008 Säfström, C.A. (2008) Philosophy of Education Society (PES) A conversation on the philosophy of Jacques Ranciere Boston, .
2008 Säfström, C.A. (2008) Education as a Matter of Public Concern Public Education and Ranciere University of Leuven, .
2008 Säfström, C.A. (2008) Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Jacques Ranciere on conflict, education and democracy Copenhagen, 06/03/2008-08/03/2008.
2008 Säfström, C.A. (2008) Invitational workshop Swedish Institute Alexandria Education for Citizenship Marrakech, org. Swedish Institute in Alexandria, 28/05/2008-31/05/2008.
2008 Säfström, C.A. (2008) International Network of Philosophers of Education (INPE) The disease of consensual democracy. The Swedish national curriculum and the configuration of 'the immigrant' read through Jacques Rancieres views on political subjectification University of Kyoto, 09/08/2008-12/08/2008.
2008 Säfström, C.A. (2008) Education For Citizenship Education and Democracy Problematised Marrakech, org. Swedish Institute in Alexandria, .
2007 Säfström, C.A. (2007) Change and resistance conference Democracy, education and conflict: Rethinking the place of the ethical University of Gdansk, 15/06/2007-17/06/2007.
2007 Säfström, C.A. (2007) Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) There is no such thing as a Swedish democracy University of Turku, 13/03/2007-17/03/2007.
2007 Säfström, C.A. (2007) Comenius-C21 The ambitious citizen and the art of listening Sintra, Portugal, .
2007 Säfström, C.A. (2007) Symposium Åbo University Vasa A pedagogy of difference Vasa, .
2007 Säfström, C.A. (2007) European Conference of Educational Research (ECER) The myths of origin and the orderly school University of Ghent, 19/09/2007-21/09/2007.
2006 Säfström, C.A. (2006) European Conference of Educational Research (ECER) Beyond respect: Democracy, education and conflict Geneva, .
2006 Säfström, C.A. (2006) Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) What is private and what is public in young people's learning of democracy? Örebro, 09/03/2006-11/03/2006.
2006 Säfström, C.A. (2006) International Network of Philosophers of Education (INPE) Democratic space? Malta, 03/08/2006-06/08/2006.
2005 Säfström, C.A. (2005) European Conference of Educational Research (ECER) Swedes are not immigrants: Educating national subjects within an ideological context of sameness Dublin, UCD, 07/09/2005-10/09/2005.
2004 Säfström, C.A. (2004) British Education Research Association (BERA) The knowledge society: Learning desires through rules of seduction Manchester, 18/09/2004-20/09/2004.
2004 Säfström, C.A. (2004) Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Learning desires Reykjavik, 07/03/2004-09/03/2004.
2002 Säfström, C.A. (2002) American Educational Research Association Beyond the modern/postmodern debate, or: How to live for the other? New Orleans, 01/04/2002-05/04/2002.
2002 Säfström, C.A. (2002) American Educational Research Association The limits of socialisation New York, 01/04/2002-05/04/2002.
2001 Säfström, C.A. (2001) Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) What contingency means in political pragmatism. Identity and the politics of time Stockholm, .
2001 Säfström, C.A. (2001) American Educational Research Association The faces of justice: Levinas, responsibility and the politics of education Seattle, 10/04/2001-14/04/2001.
2000 Biesta, G & Säfström, C.A. (2000) Högre utbildning, demokrati och medborgarskap The loneliness of being right Örebro University, .
2000 Säfström, C.A. (2000) Colloqium on pragmatism The meaning of contingency in pragmatic philosophy Örebro University, .
2000 Säfström, C.A. (2000) American Educational Research Association Teaching as a moral act: Have I the right to teach? New Orleans, 24/04/2000-28/04/2000.
1999 Säfström, C.A. (1999) British Education Research Association (BERA) Educational psychology and theologic of differentiation Brighton, 02/09/1999-05/09/1999.
1999 Säfström, C.A. (1999) The history of education as an academic discipline A history of Swedish educational research Utrecht University, .
1999 Säfström, C.A. (1999) Invitational conference Educational theory and the internationalisation of curriculum theory Moving from the question of unity to the question of difference in curriculum theory Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University, 23/03/1999-25/03/1999.
1998 Säfström, C.A. (1998) Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Tre typer av läroplansteori Lahti, Finland, 12/03/1998-15/03/1998.
1998 Säfström, C.A. (1998) Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) På väg mot en postmodern läroplansteori. En jämförelse mellan Habermas och Levinas syn på kommunikation Lahti, Finland, 12/03/1998-15/03/1998.
1998 Säfström, C.A. (1998) Department of Curriculum and instruction Lecture Series Postmodern curriculum theory University of Wisconsin Madison, .
1998 Säfström, C.A. (1998) Internationalization of curriculum theory On the way to a postmodern curriculum theory University of Luisiana, Baton Rouge, .
1997 Säfström, C.A. (1997) Symposium: Identitet och identitetsformering som utbildningsproblematik The actuality of educational philosophy Uppsala University, 24/04/1997-26/04/1997.
1997 Säfström, C.A. (1997) the 6th National Conference in Educational Research in Collaboration with the international network PACT Essentialism in education; psychology and the absence of change in Swedish teacher education Oslo, Norway, 20/05/1997-22/05/1997.
1996 Säfström, C.A. (1996) Pedagogik som vetenskaplig disciplin Den hypermoderna pedagogiken och det forskande subjektet - en skiss Gothernburg, 28/02/1996-29/02/1996.
1996 Säfström, C.A. (1996) Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Pedagogik och psykologi. En studie av psykologins utveckling inom den svenska pedagogiken - ett utkast Lillehammer, Norway, 07/03/1996-10/03/1996.
1996 Säfström, C.A. (1996) Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Introduction speech Lillehammer, Norway, 07/03/1996-10/03/1996.
1996 Säfström, C.A. (1996) Fifth national conference on educational research Education at the frontline of research Stavanger, Norway, .
1995 Säfström, C.A. (1995) 17th annual conference of the international standing conference for the history of education (ISCHE) Education as a science within hypermodern discourse Berlin, 13/09/1995-17/09/1995.
1994 Säfström, C.A. (1994) First invitational conference on pragmatism and pedagogy Power and meaning in educational theory Leiden University, .
1993 Säfström, C.A. (1993) American Educational Research Association Education as a science within a scientific rational discourse Atlanta, .
1993 Englund, T & Säfström, C.A. (1993) the First European invitational conference on pragmatism and pedagogy (FEICOPP) Education as a science and pragmatism -traditions and possibilities Leiden University, 28/11/1993-01/11/1993.
1992 Säfström, C.A. (1992) Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Den gedigna kunskapen Stavanger, Norway, 19/03/1992-21/03/2003.
1991 Säfström, C.A. (1991) Pedagogic text analysis and content analysis Discourse practice and the rules of a language game Härnösand, Sweden, 04/11/1991-06/11/1991.
1991 Säfström, C.A. (1991) Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Pedagogik, vetenskaplig rationalitet och uppdragsforskning Copenhagen, 07/03/1991-10/03/1991.
1990 Säfström, C.A. (1990) Sociology of science: Science, social controversies and ethics - sociological and normative perspectives Arguments for a professorship in education early in the 20th century Dubrovnik, 07/05/1990-18/05/1990.
1990 Säfström, C.A. (1990) Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Argument for professur i pedagogik Helsingfors, Finland, .
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