Prototype Digital Archive of Maynooth College Students and Ordinations (1795-2017).

Tuesday, July 24, 2018 - 10:00

Prototype, Digital Archive of Maynooth College Students and Ordinations (1795-2017). This Digital Humanities project, completed by Jesse Ashmore and Joseph Fahy was  a collaboration between the Maynooth University Computer Science Department and the Maynooth University Arts and Humanities Institute. The objective was to develop a prototype digital archive of Maynooth College students and ordinations over the past 200 years. The digital archive is composed of biographical data of students married with visual data from their respective ‘class pieces’ (i.e. formal photographic record of ordination classes, professionally prepared and presented to the College by successive graduating classes). Over the six-week SPUR programme, a powerful contextual database was populated from the archives generated from various sources. The two principle sources were the ‘class pieces’ (a sample from the 1970s) and prosopographical information on approx. 10,000 Maynooth students, originally collated by Patrick J. Hamell (1982). Tools were developed to accelerate this archival process. These tools bode well in the context of continuing the project, pending new funding. Interactive visual representations of the database were created. These include a search engine for the records, a dynamic map of the students’ origins and an explorable interactive ‘virtual class piece’. The scope of the project limited the amount of data that could be ingested. As a result, the time available was devoted to developing flexibility of the server and tools  to allow for  larger-scale projects to draw on the foundations of this prototype.