Professor Tobias Lock recently spoke at the event “An Independent Scotland in the European Union: - Issues and Challenges” organised by the Scottish Centre for European Relations, the European Movement in Scotland, and the Faculty of Advocates. Professor Lock outlined the legal issues that would arise if an independent Scotland wanted to join the European Union. The questions discussed included: How far would Scotland have deviated from the EU acquis by the time it is ready to accede to the EU? Would Scotland want to secure opt-outs from the Euro, the AFSJ, or Schengen? Would all EU Member States agree to Scottish accession? Would a seamless transition into the EU possible or would Scotland have to wait? What should happen in-between? What would happen to the Anglo-Scottish border in terms of trade and persons crossing?
The other panellists were Dr Barbara Lippert, Director of Research in the German Institute for International and Security Affairs; Professor James Ker-Lindsay from the LSE; and Dr Kirsty Hughes, Director of the Scottish Centre for European Relations.
The event is available to watch on youtube.