Dr David Begg

Social Sciences Institute (MUSSI)

Adjunct Professor

2nd Floor


Dr. David Begg links both academic research and policy practice in employment relations and the welfare state. David has long experience in leadership in the trade union movement including as General Secretary of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions and the Communication Workers Union. He has been involved in development work as Chief Executive of Concern Worldwide and through work with Irish Aid and Trócaire. David currently plays a key role in various aspects of the welfare state, such as pensions, healthcare and child welfare. He has a PhD in Sociology from Maynooth University and has been Chair of the Nevin Economic Research Institute, Director of TASC and a member of the National Economic and Social Council. He is author of Ireland, Small Open Economies and European Integration: Lost in Transition (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016) as well as a wide range of academic and media articles.