
Edith Stein's Finite and eternal Being. Identifying the Argument

Edith Stein's Finite and eternal Being is among her works the one in which the phenomenological and scholastic traditions are most closely united. In consequence, identifying its exact argument presents a challenge, to the phenomenologist and the scholastic alike. In this seminar we shall attempt to identify this argument through a close reading of the text with the help of scholars from different traditions and backgrounds.

When: Saturday, 08 February 2020

Where: Arts adn Humanities Institute Seminar Room, Iontas 1.33

Book Launch for 'Institutionalised Dreams' by Dr Ela Drążkiewicz

Dr Ela Drążkiewicz's new book 'Institutionalised Dreams: The Art of Managing Foreign Aid' will be launched by HE Anna Sochańska, Polish Ambassador to Ireland

When: Friday, 07 February 2020

Where: Renehan Hall, South Campus

College Connect Changemaker Course Graduation

The College Connect Changemaker Course is a 6-week mentoring programme for students from Ballyfermot second-level schools and education centres. Students and their university mentors will share their experiences of the course and receive certificates of participation. The course was designed and delivered by the Maynooth University Access Programme, the College Connect Programme and Familibase, Ballyfermot Centre for Children, Young People and Families. By invitation only.

When: Friday, 07 February 2020

Where: Phoenix Boardroom

Dr Don Kalb - 6th February Anthropology Seminar Series

“How I discovered the rise of the populist right by looking for something else: reflections on class, culture, and right wing populism”

When: Thursday, 06 February 2020

Where: Anthropology Seminar Room [RH1.20 Rowan House]


Our First Fellowship seminar of the year takes place on the 6th of February at 4pm, presented by Luigina Ciolfi, PhD visiting us from Sheffield Hallam University, entitled The “Productivity Quest” in the Sociomaterial Entanglements of Mobile Knowledge Work. In the talk, she will detail the imperative to become and remain productive as a constant quest in the lives of mobile knowledge workers.

When: Thursday, 06 February 2020

Where: MUSSI Seminar Room 2nd Floor Iontas Building

Concert: Jack Talty (concertina)

Jack Talty is a multi-award-winning musician, composer, producer, and researcher from county Clare. As a performer, producer, and engineer, Jack has contributed to over 70 albums to date. In 2011, he founded Raelach Records, and he has released three albums with Ensemble Ériu. Since 2013 Jack has performed as a section leader with the Irish Memory Orchestra. He has also recorded Na Fir Bolg with Cormac Begley, and in November 2016 Jack released his debut solo album, In Flow, to widespread critical acclaim. In September 2018, Jack was appointed Traditional Artist in Residence at University College Cork.

When: Thursday, 06 February 2020

Where: Riverstown Hall

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency : What’s all the fuss?

Jonathan Maycock (who is an alumnus of Maynooth University and graduated with a PhD in Computer Science) co-founder and CEO of Margin Trading platform (Cryptocurrency) is going to give a talk on Cryptocurrencies and the technology behind it (Blockchain) on Thursday 6th of February from 1.00pm to 2.00pm in CB2.

When: Thursday, 06 February 2020

Where: CB2

gradireland Live 2020 - Dublin

gradireland Live! - is an experiential event where you can explore your career direction. From employability skills, seminars on CV's, interview etc. Meet employers from across all sectors.

When: Thursday, 06 February 2020

Where: Main Hall, RDS, Dublin

Guest lecture by “Corruption and Human Rights”

Speaker Tour guest lecture

When: Thursday, 06 February 2020

Where: Room SE012 of the Education Building

Seminar: Dr Brian Connolly

'Playing the Ear: Non-Linearities of the Inner Ear and their Creative Potential'

When: Wednesday, 05 February 2020

Where: Bewerunge Room, Logic House
