With an emphasis on housing, the ERC funded project, Data Stories, focuses critical attention on the underlying evidence base for planning and property activity. This is an opportunity to view the Data Stories 3D model of Dublin up close. Data City Dublin is a large-scale 3D printed model of central Dublin from the Dublin Docks to the east to Phoenix Park in the West. Data representing both real-time urban dynamics and more long-term patterns and trends animate the model through projection mapping. The exhibit is now being used by the Data Stories project at Maynooth University as one of a range of creative and art-based methods to explore stories both with and about property and planning data in Dublin. The project seeks to ground issues related to the housing crisis in Dublin by referencing them to the context provided by a physical representation of the city and enhancing communication and engagement through multimodal visualisation and sound. The exhibit will continue to evolve throughout the course of the Data Stories project.
The is a drop-in event from 2pm - 4pm on Wednesday 25th October. Please click here for more details.