Critical Visualisation of Urban Data: Improving user experience and social interactions with data

Thursday, February 15, 2018 - 17:00
Phoenix Boardroom First Floor, Phoenix Building North Campus, Maynooth University


This event marks the second seminar in our series and the first of 2018. We will be welcoming visiting researchers to the BCD project team to discuss visualising urban data, improving user experience and social interactions.

Critical Visualisation of Urban Data: Improving user experience and social interactions with data

10.00 Welcome - Morning session (Chair Prof. Chris Brunsdon)
10.05 Nick Lally, Dept of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison
11.00 Gareth Downey, Research Officer, Belfast City Council
12.00 Break for lunch (Refreshments provided)
13.00 Welcome - Afternoon session (Chair Dr. Sam Stehle)
13.05 Dr. Dimitris Charitos, Faculty of Communications and Media Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
14.00 Gabby Resch, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
15.00 Discussion session
15.45 Event close

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