Brian Shortt

Head of the Payload Technology Validation Section, Future Missions Department, Directorate of Science
European Space Agency
Bachelor of Science

Returning to Maynooth in 2015 to deliver the inaugural Science & Engineering Alumni Lecture, Brian shared his ESA experience with alumni, family and current students. He believes that the technical side of his job draws heavily on the solid foundations laid during his undergraduate and postgraduate studies in physics at Maynooth. "I particularly remember the open and relaxed atmosphere within the Department of Experimental Physics and the helpfulness and friendliness of the staff and postgraduate students – it all made for me a very enriching and rewarding experience." 

Now living in The Netherlands, Brian has been working at the European Space Agency (ESA) since 2009. He's currently the head of a group testing instrument technologies for future science missions at the agency. "In a laboratory environment, the group of specialists that I lead test critical enabling technologies to ensure that they will do their job once launched into space and return the data which will allow a better understanding of our solar system, galaxy and beyond."