Celebrating Traveller Women on International Women's Day

Monday, March 9, 2020 - 10:00 to 13:00
Phoenix Boardroom

Maynooth University Access Programme and Kildare County Council will celebrate International Women's Day with a special event to celebrate Traveller women on 9 March 2020. The event will feature music provided by Sharyn Ward, Ireland's Got Talent, keynote addresses from human rights activist Kathleen Lawrence and the Director of the National Traveller Women's Forum Maria Joyce and entrepreneur Charmaine Reilly will share advice on starting her business.

There will be information stands to showcase the supports available throughout Kildare for Travellers and Maynooth University Access Ambassadors will bring guests on a guided tour of the university grounds.

The event is by invitation only. Contact the Maynooth University Access Programme at [email protected] or 017084600 for further information.