Campus Accommodation for Students with Disabilities / Additional Needs

Maynooth University welcomes applications from students with disabilities. To ensure that all students have the opportunity to fulfil their academic potential at Maynooth University, we reserve a number of places in campus accommodation for students with disabilities. 
Rooms are limited therefore they are allocated only where the impact of a student’s disability is such that the student’s participation and retention in university would be at risk without living on campus and considered within published criteria.

Please read the information below for full details on the criteria used and the application process.

You should note the following:

  • If you are considering making an application for campus accommodation due to a disability you should do so as early as possible, preferably in the early part of the year (before April). While the MAP Student Advisory Supports Office will assess applications for campus accommodation throughout the year, due to demand campus rooms are generally booked up by in August each year, 
  • The criteria for allocation of campus accommodation due to a disability is strict and rooms are limited. To increase your chances of getting a room you should apply for campus accommodation via the appropriate booking event (unless you already know you have secured a room via the MAP Student Advisory Supports process). Check out the Booking Events Schedule for an appropriate booking event for your student category (Current, New, PG etc)