Spotlight on Research

Tomato Fungus

How fungi construct protein to produce potentially deadly toxins

Research performed in Dr Özgür Bayram’s Fungal Genetics and Secondary Metabolism (FGSM) laboratory in Maynooth University has resulted in the discovery and characterisation of a ‘scaffold’ protein used by the organism to help produce substances that can be either beneficial or toxic.

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Karen English - Biology - MU

Harnessing the power of cells to calm inflammatory disease

Dr Karen English, a Principal Investigator in the Department of Biology, and head of the Cellular Immunology Lab at Maynooth University, has been awarded the prestigious 2018 Early-Career Researcher of the Year by Irish Research Council (IRC) for her work on developing stronger, ‘calming’ cells in therapies for inflammation.

Wednesday, 05 December 2018

How GDPR has changed the advertising game

Thanks to GDPR, digital advertising is about to see a back to the future return to the tradition of good content

Monday, 26 November 2018

Addressing the mental health needs of vulnerable children

A recent United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) report indicates that children under 18 account for 52 percent of the refugee/migrant population worldwide, 7.4 million of whom are of school-going age.

Sunday, 25 November 2018

Dealing with everyday sexism in Leinster House

While we don't know the full extent of sexism and harassment in the Oireachtas, we know Leinster House is not immune to this behaviour

Sunday, 25 November 2018

How adult education can shape and promote equality

Adult learning has the potential to bring about a just, fair and equal society

Friday, 23 November 2018

Andy Irvine: A Life’s Work in Folk Music

Since arriving in Dublin in 1962, the singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Andy Irvine has been an ever-present figure on the Irish music scene, and is a worthy recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award at the inaugural RTÉ Radio 1 Folk Awards next week.

Saturday, 27 October 2018

Getting out the vote: what influences voter turnout?

Voter turnout can be defined as the percentage of people who turn out to vote in a given election. In Ireland and other European countries, voter turnout levels are expressed as a percentage of the number of people on the electoral register. Thus, if there are problems with the electoral register, turnouts may be over, or under.

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Dr Rory Hearne

Why fixing Ireland's housing crisis requires a change of policy

Opinion: the strongest indication that the government's policy has failed is how the housing emergency has extended across Irish society

Friday, 12 October 2018

A Historic Moment in Reproductive Rights

The Minister for Health introduced the Regulation of the Termination of Pregnancy Bill in the Dáil, which seeks to legalise abortion services in Ireland this week. This was a historic occasion undoubtedly in a State and society that has demonstrated a deeply troubled relationship with women who fall pregnant outside of marriage by institutionalizing or criminalizing women.

Wednesday, 10 October 2018
