Spotlight on Research

Why Ireland's response to human trafficking needs to be improved

Deficiencies in identifying the estimated 8,000 victims of human trafficking here need to corrected, writes Muiread Murphy, Department of Law

Monday, 13 December 2021

Where does the phrase 'taking the soup' come from?

In the village of Swatragh in south Derry, the local dispensary doctor, Daniel Mooney and his wife Sarah are fondly remembered for their role in establishing a soup kitchen during the Famine years, writes Dr Ciarán Reilly, Arts and Humanities Institute

Monday, 06 December 2021

The legal issues around international parental child abductions

Over 1,400 parental child abductions occur annually in Europe and can be very stressful and difficult to deal with for all involved, writes Emily Dunne, Department of Law

Monday, 29 November 2021

Will social media influencers take a stand about climate change?

It's time for public figures and influencers to place themselves in the climate change conversation for the good of their communities, writes Dr Máire Nic an Bhaird and Laoise Ní Chléirigh from the Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education.

Monday, 22 November 2021

The problem with having a 'difficult' name in Ireland

'When I say that I have a difficult name, I should also ask: difficult for who? And difficult for what reasons?' writes Bhargabi Das, Department of Anthropology

Monday, 15 November 2021

Science Week: How Covid lateral flow tests work

Flow processes like those in Covid antigen and pregnancy tests, have become a major area of development in the pharmaceutical industry, writes Adam McCormack and Prof John Stephens, Department of Chemistry

Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Will we ever end daylight saving time?

Prof David Malone, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, discusses why the clocks went back at the weekend and why they were not supposed to

Monday, 01 November 2021

Why is Squid Game so popular?

The hit TV show is the latest in a growing global engagement with Korean popular and commercial culture, writes Dr Rebecca King O'Riain, Department of Sociology, Maynooth University

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Will farmers ever be able to afford to retire?

Low-income farmers face multiple challenges to retirement, not least a ‘pension gap’ that can leave them financially vulnerable, writes Dr Michael Hayden and Dr Bridget McNally, School of Business

Monday, 18 October 2021
