Dr Amir Azadnia

School of Business

Lecturer/Assistant Professor

(01) 474 7499


Dr Amir Azadnia is an Assistant Professor in Operations and Supply Chains Analytics at Maynooth University School of Business, having previously been a Lecturer in Business at Atlantic Technological University.  Before this, he held several academic positions such as Dean for Faculty of Engineering and Head of Department of Business Management at IAU. 

Amir has secured several funded research projects including EU-funded projects. His research explores the application of business analytics tools and techniques in the area of sustainable operations and supply chain management. He has published in top journals in his field such as the International Journal of Production Research, Production Planning & Control, Business Strategy and the Environment, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Journal of Cleaner Production, and Resource, Conservation & Recycling.  

Outside of academia, Amir also acts as a business advisor/consultant for service and manufacturing companies in the area of business analytics, and sustainable operations and supply chain management. Amir's contributions to research and education have been recognized with several awards, including the Research Ally Prize from the Irish Research Council in 2022 and the Teaching Hero Award Ireland from the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in 2021.

Google Scholar link 

Research Interests

My research interests encompass: 
  • Business Analytics
  • Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • Circular Supply Chain 
  • Multi-Criteria Decision-Making
  • Risk Analysis

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
An integrated problem-solving approach for waste reduction and process improvement Academic Lead 15/12/2020 15/12/2021
Industry readiness measurement for implementing closed-loop supply chain: an Irish dairy industry perspective. Lead 30/09/2020
Building Supply Chain Resilience through Lean Practices Lead 30/09/2020
SWOT analysis of information technology implementation in special schools PI 01/01/2018 01/01/2019
Postgraduate Researcher Training Programmes – Operations and Supply Chain Research (OSCAR) Programme Co-applicant 15/12/2021

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 Conor McDaid; Amir Hossein Azadnia; George Onofrei; Erfan Babaee Tirkolaee (2023) 'Industry Readiness Measurement for Circular Supply Chain Implementation: An Irish Dairy Industry Perspective'. Annals of Operations Research, . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Amir Hossein Azadnia; Conor Mc Daid; Amin Mahmoudzadeh Andwari; Seyed Ehsan Hosseini (2023) 'Green Hydrogen Supply Chain Risk Analysis: A European Hard-to-Abate Sectors Perspective'. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Chao Wang, Yongkang Sun, Ming K Lim, Pezhman Ghadimi, Amir Hossein Azadnia (2023) 'An analysis of barriers for municipal solid waste management: an integrated DEMATEL-MMDE-ISM approach'. Industrial Management and Data Systems, . [Full-Text]
2023 Amir Rahimi; Amirhossein Azadnia; Mohammad Molani Aghdam; Fatemeh Harsej (2023) 'A Scenario-based Optimization Model to Design a Hub Network for Covid-19 Equipment Management'. Operations Management Research, .
2022 Pourmehdi M.; Paydar M.M.; Ghadimi P.; Azadnia A.H. (2022) 'Analysis and evaluation of challenges in the integration of Industry 4.0 and sustainable steel reverse logistics network'. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 163 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 Ghadimi P.; Donnelly O.; Sar K.; Wang C.; Azadnia A.H. (2022) 'The successful implementation of industry 4.0 in manufacturing: An analysis and prioritization of risks in Irish industry'. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 175 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 Azadnia A.H.; Stephens S.; Ghadimi P.; Onofrei G. (2022) 'A comprehensive performance measurement framework for business incubation centres: Empirical evidence in an Irish context'. Business Strategy and the Environment, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Azadnia A.H.; Onofrei G.; Ghadimi P. (2021) 'Electric vehicles lithium-ion batteries reverse logistics implementation barriers analysis: A TISM-MICMAC approach'. Resources, Conservation and Recyclcing, 174 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Rahimi, Amir,Azadnia, Amir Hossein,Molani Aghdam, Mohammad,Harsej, Fatemeh (2021) 'A New Optimization Model for Hierarchical Location and Districting Problem in Healthcare System Under Uncertainty'. 12 (1):64-92.
2021 Azadnia A.H.; Geransayeh M.; Onofrei G.; Ghadimi P. (2021) 'A weighted fuzzy approach for green marketing risk assessment: Empirical evidence from dairy industry'. Journal of Cleaner Production, 327 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Onofrei, G; Fynes, B; Nguyen, H; Azadnia, AH (2020) 'Quality and lean practices synergies A swift even flow perspective'. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Hashemzahi, Pooria and Azadnia, Amirhossein and Galankashi, Masoud Rahiminezhad and Helmi, Syed Ahmad and Rafiei, Farimah Mokhatab (2020) 'Green supplier selection and order allocation: a nonlinear stochastic model'. 11 (2):111-138. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Andarkhora, Mana,Azadnia, AmirHossein,Gholizadeh, Saeid,Ghadimi, Pezhman (2019) 'An integrated Decision-Making Approach for Road Transport Evaluation in a Sustainable Supply Chain'. 10 (1):63-84.
2019 Ghadimi P.; Wang C.; Azadnia A.H.; Lim M.K.; Sutherland J.W. (2019) 'Life cycle-based environmental performance indicator for the coal-to-energy supply chain: A Chinese case application'. Resources, Conservation and Recyclcing, 147 :28-38. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Azadnia A.; Ghadimi P. (2018) 'An integrated approach of fuzzy quality function deployment and fuzzy multi-objective programming to sustainable supplier selection and order allocation'. Journal Of Optimization In Industrial Engineering, 11 (1):1-22. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Azadnia, Amir Hossein,Baei, Mazyar Sharifzadeh,Motameni, Maedeh (2017) 'MULTI-LAYER PACKAGING FILM SUSTAINABILITY EVALUATION: A FUZZY INFERENCE SYSTEM APPROACH'. 11 (2):59-66.
2017 Azadnia, AH,Siahi, A,Motameni, M (2017) 'An adaptive fuzzy neural network model for bankruptcy prediction of listed companies on the tehran stock exchange'. 30 (12):1879-1884.
2016 Azadnia, Amir Hossein (2016) 'A Multi-objective Mathematical Model for Sustainable Supplier Selection and Order Lot-Sizing under Inflation'. International Journal of Engineering, 29 (8):1141-1150. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Pezhman Ghadimi and Amir Hossein Azadnia and Cathal Heavey and Alexandre Dolgui and Birkan Can (2016) 'A review on the buyer–supplier dyad relationships in sustainable procurement context: past, present and future'. International Journal of Production Research, 54 (5):1443-1462. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Azadnia, AH; Saman, MZM; Wong, KY (2015) 'Sustainable supplier selection and order lot-sizing: an integrated multi-objective decision-making process'. International Journal of Production Research, 53 :383-408. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2013 Azadnia, Amir Hossein,Taheri, Shahrooz,Ghadimi, Pezhman,Mat Saman, Muhamad Zameri,Wong, Kuan Yew,Huang, Y.-P.,Melin, P. (2013) 'Order Batching in Warehouses by Minimizing Total Tardiness: A Hybrid Approach of Weighted Association Rule Mining and Genetic Algorithms'. 2013 . [Link] [Full-Text]
2012 Aarabi, Majid,Saman, Muhamad Zameri Mat,Wong, Kuan Yew,Azadnia, Amir Hossein,Zakuan, Norhayati (2012) 'A comparative study on critical success factors (CSFs) of ERP systems implementation among SMEs and large firms in developing countries'. 4 (9):226-239.
2012 Ghadimi P.; Azadnia A.H.; Mohd Yusof N.; Mat Saman M.Z. (2012) 'A weighted fuzzy approach for product sustainability assessment: A case study in automotive industry'. Journal of Cleaner Production, 33 :10-21. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2023 Anjomshoae, A.; Banomyong, R.; Hossein Azadnia, A.; Kunz, N.; Blome, C. (2023) 'Sustainable humanitarian supply chains: a systematic literature review and research propositions'. Production Planning and Control, . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Amir Hossein Azadnia; Conor McDaid; Amin Mahmoudzadeh Andwari; Seyed Ehsan Hosseini (2023) 'Green hydrogen supply chain risk analysis: A european hard-to-abate sectors perspective'. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2023.113371

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2015 Azadnia A.H.; Ghorbani M.; Arabzad S.M. (2015) 'A simulation study on bullwhip effect in supply chain based on theory of constraint' In: Research Advances in Industrial Engineering. New York : Springer. [DOI]

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2022 Perera H.; Azadnia A.H.; Ghadimi P. (2022) IFAC-PapersOnLine Development of a Multi-Agent System to Tackle Communication Fragmentation and Information Exchange in the Construction Industry [DOI]
2020 Azadnia.A.H, Onofrei. G., Ghadimi. P (2020) CUA Research Conference An Integrated Approach of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy Inference System for Sustainable Supply Chain Risk Assessment
2014 Rezvan P.; Azadnia A.H.; Noordin M.Y.; Seyedi S.N. (2014) Advanced Materials Research Sustainability assessment methodology for concrete manufacturing process: A fuzzy inference system approach [DOI]
2014 Tajik G.; Azadnia A.; Ma'aram A.; Hassan S. (2014) Advanced Materials Research A hybrid fuzzy MCDM approach for sustainable third-party reverse logistics provider selection [DOI]
2013 Azadnia A.; Ghadimi P.; Saman M.; Wong K.; Heavey C. (2013) Applied Mechanics and Materials An integrated approach for sustainable supplier selection using fuzzy logic and fuzzy AHP [DOI] [Full-Text]
2012 Azadnia, AH; Saman, MZM; Wong, KY; Ghadimi, P; Zakuan, N (2012) INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON INTERDISCIPLINARY BUSINESS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 2012 (ICIBSOS 2012) Sustainable Supplier Selection Based on Self-organizing Map Neural network and Multi Criteria Decision Making approaches [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Azadnia A.; Mat Saman M.; Wong K.; Hemdi A. (2011) IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Integration model of Fuzzy C means clustering algorithm and TOPSIS method for customer lifetime value assessment [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Reza Khoei M.; Kashefi M.; Ghadimi P.; Azadnia A.; Abdul Rani M.; Lalmazloumian M. (2011) Communications in Computer and Information Science Order processing in supply chain management with developing an information system model: An automotive manufacturing case study [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Azadnia A.; Ghadimi P.; Mat Saman M.; Wong K.; Sharif S. (2011) Communications in Computer and Information Science Supplier selection: A hybrid approach using ELECTRE and fuzzy clustering [DOI] [Full-Text]
2024 Pezhman Ghadimi; Kubra Sar; Amir Hossein Azadnia (2024) 31st CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE 2024) An integrated decision-making process for sustainable supplier selection and order allocation in the automotive industry [Link] [DOI]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2022 Fanning R.; Azadnia A.H.; Ghadimi P. (2022) EurOMA 2022 Conference An Integrated Decision-Making Process for Sustainable Supplier Selection and Order allocation in the Automotive industry Berlin, 01/07/2022-06/07/2022.
2021 Azadnia A.H. (2021) The 1st National Conference on Transportation and Logistics Keynote speech on Circular Supply Chains: Trends and Challenges Babolsar, Iran, .
2022 Azadnia A.H. (2022) 29th International EurOMA Conference 2022 Session Chair for Sustainable Supply Chain Berlin, Germany, .
2021 Azadnia A.H. (2021) 2021 International Conference on Resource Sustainability Member of advisory and award Committee Dublin, Ireland, .
2017 Azadnia A.H. (2017) first International Conference on Systems Optimization and Business Management (ISOBM2017) Session Chair for Quality Management and Member of scientific Committee Babol, Iran, .
2017 Azadnia A.H. (2017) National Conference on Entrepreneurship, Export Development, and Business Internationalization Scientific Committee Chair Mahmoud Abad, Iran, .
2011 Azadnia A.H. (2011) International Conference on Informatics Engineering & Information Science International Programme committee member and reviewer Malaysia, .
2023 Amir Hossein Azadnia (2023) 16th International Conference Of Iranian Operations Research Society Keynote Speech: Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Techniques for Business Problems: Advantages and Pitfalls Ramsar, .
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/12/2022 Research Ally Prize Irish Research Council
01/04/2021 Teaching Hero Award National forum for the enhancement of teaching and learning
01/09/2020 LYIT President's Research Award Letterkenny Institute of Technology
01/01/2017 Outstanding reviewer award Journal of Cleaner Production

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
Global Manufacturing Research Group Member -
European Operations Management Association Member -
North-west Lean Network , Ireland Member -


Employer Position From / To
Maynooth University Assistant Professor/Lecturer 01/02/2022 -
IAU, Amol Head of Department of Management and Industrial Engineering 01/09/2014 - 01/09/2019
IAU, Amol Dean - Faculty of Engineering 01/09/2016 - 01/09/2018
Letterkenny Institute of Technology Lecturer 21/10/2019 - 31/01/2022


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
Mazandaran University of Science and Technology Bachelor Industrial Engineering- Industrial Production
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia PhD Industrial Engineering
IAU Master Industrial Management

Editorial / Academic Reviews

Amount Role From / To
Operations Research Perspective Guest Editor -
Journal of Cleaner Production Reviewer -
Operations Management Research Reviewer -
International Journal of Production Research Reviewer -
Resources, Conservation and Recyclcing Reviewer -
International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research Member of the Editorial Board -

Teaching Interests

  • Business Analytics
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Data Management Skills for Business
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Operations Management
  • Decision-Making Techniques
  • Project Management