Prof Ann O'Shea

Mathematics and Statistics


Logic House
(01) 708 3766


Ann O'Shea has a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Notre Dame Indiana. She began her career by  working in the area of Value Distribution Theory in Several Complex Variables.

Currently her research interests lie in Mathematics Education. Ongoing research projects include: task design; the role of technology in formative assessment; professional development of teachers; measuring the effectiveness of mathematics support.

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
Diarmaid Hyland IRC Postdoctoral Application PI 01/10/2019 30/09/2021 93830.79

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 McJames, N.; Parnell, A.; O’Shea, A. (2023) 'Factors affecting teacher job satisfaction: a causal inference machine learning approach using data from TALIS 2018'. Educational Review, . [Link] [DOI]
2023 O’Sullivan, B.; Breen, S.; O’Shea, A. (2023) 'An analysis of Irish mathematics textbook tasks in the context of curriculum change'. Irish Educational Studies, . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Kinnear G.; Jones I.; Sangwin C.; Alarfaj M.; Davies B.; Fearn S.; Foster C.; Heck A.; Henderson K.; Hunt T.; Iannone P.; Kontorovich I.; Larson N.; Lowe T.; Meyer J.C.; O’Shea A.; Rowlett P.; Sikurajapathi I.; Wong T. (2022) 'A Collaboratively-Derived Research Agenda for E-assessment in Undergraduate Mathematics'. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, . [DOI]
2022 Ann O'Shea (2022) 'A Survey of Research on the Impact of the COVID-19 Closures on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics at University Level in Ireland'. BULLETIN OF THE IRISH MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 89 :29-40. [Link]
2022 Hyland, D; O' Shea, A (2022) 'The nature and prevalence of diagnostic testing in mathematics at tertiary-level in Ireland'. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 41 :32-50. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 Diarmaid Hyland, Ann O'Shea (2022) 'How Well Do High-Achieving Undergraduate Students Understand School Algebra?'. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 22 :818-834. [Full-Text]
2021 O’Shea A.; Breen S. (2021) 'Students’ Views on Transition to University: The Role of Mathematical Tasks'. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 21 (1):29-43. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Hyland D.; O'Shea A. (2021) 'The student perspective on teaching and assessment during initial COVID-19 related closures at Irish universities: Implications for the future'. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 40 (4):455-477. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Garry, A., Reilly, A., Dempsey, M., & O'Shea, A. (2020) 'Auditing summative assessments: the need to increase creative reasoning in mathematics and science at lower secondary in Ireland'. The School Science Review, 102 (379):47-54. [Link] [Full-Text]
2020 Aysel, T, O'Shea, A, Breen, S. (2020) 'Students’ Attitudes to Mathematics Learning and Assessment in Turkey and Ireland'. International Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics, 7 (1):23-38. [Link]
2019 Burke O'Connell, N; Dempsey, M; O'Shea, A (2019) 'An Investigation of Students' Attitudes to Science, Mathematics and the Use of Technology in Lower Secondary Education'. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology (IJEMST), 7 :319-334. [Full-Text]
2019 Dempsey M.; O’Shea A. (2019) 'The role of task classification and design in curriculum making for preservice teachers of mathematics'. Curriculum Journal, 31 (3):436-453. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Sinead Breen, Ann O'Shea (2018) 'Designing Mathematical Thinking Tasks'. PRIMUS, . [Link]
2018 Ann O'Shea, Sinead Breen, Maria Meehan (2018) 'Decision Points in Mathematics Lectures'. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 55 (6):650-659. [Link] [DOI]
2017 Sinead Breen, Niclas Larson, Ann O'Shea, Kerstin Pettersson (2017) 'A study of students' concept images of inverse functions in Ireland and Sweden'. NORDIC STUDIES IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION/ NORDISK MATEMATIKKDIDAKTIKK , NOMAD, 22 (4):85-102. [Link] [Full-Text]
2017 Ciaran Mac an Bhaird, Brien Nolan, Ann O'Shea, Kirsten Pfeiffer (2017) 'A study of creative reasoning opportunities in assessments in undergraduate calculus courses'. Research in Mathematics Education, 19 (2):147-162. [Link] [Full-Text]
2017 Caitríona Ní Shé, Ciarán Mac an Bhaird, Eabhnat Ní Fhloinn, Ann O’Shea (2017) 'Students’ and lecturers’ views on mathematics resources'. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 36 (4):183-199. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Caitríona Ní Shé, Ciarán Mac an Bhaird, Eabhnat Ní Fhloinn, Ann O'Shea (2017) 'Problematic topics in first-year mathematics: lecturer and student views'. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 48 (5):715-734. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Ann O'Shea, Sinead Breen, Barbara Jaworski (2016) 'The Development of a Function Concept Inventory'. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Sinead Breen and Ann O'Shea (2016) 'Threshold Concepts & Undergraduate Mathematics Teaching'. PRIMUS, .
2016 Breen S.; O'Shea A.; Pfeiffer K. (2016) 'Students' views of example generation tasks'. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 35 (1):27-40. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Grehan, M; Bhaird, CM; O'Shea, A (2016) 'Investigating students' levels of engagement with mathematics: critical events, motivations, and influences on behaviour'. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 47 :1-28. [DOI]
2015 Berry, E, Mac an Bhaird C.; OShea A. (2015) 'Investigating relationships between the usage of mathematics learning support and performance of at-risk students'. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 34 (4):194-204. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Breen, S; McCluskey, A; Meehan, M; O'Donovan, J; O'Shea, A (2014) 'A year of engaging with the discipline of noticing: five mathematics lecturers' reflections'. Teaching in Higher Education, 19 :289-300. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2013 Gráinne Burke, Ciarán Mac an Bhaird, Ann O'Shea (2013) 'The effect of a monitoring scheme on tutorial attendance and assignment submission'. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 44 (4):545-553.
2012 Burke G.; Macan Bhaird C.; O' shea A. (2012) 'The impact of a monitoring scheme on engagement in an online course'. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 31 (4):191-198. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Martin Grehan, Ciarán Mac an Bhaird, Ann O'Shea (2011) 'Why do students not avail themselves of mathematics support?'. Research in Mathematics Education, 13 (1):79-80. [Full-Text]
2010 Breen. S. & O'Shea, A. (2010) 'Mathematical Thinking and Task Design'. BULLETIN OF THE IRISH MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 66 :39-49. [Full-Text]
2010 Joan Cleary, Sinead Breen, and Ann OShea (2010) 'Mathematical literacy and self-efficacy of first year third level students'. MSOR Connections, 10 :41-44. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2009 Ciarán Mac an Bhaird, Tadhg Morgan, Ann O'Shea (2009) 'The impact of the mathematics support centre on the grades of first year students at the National University of Ireland Maynooth'. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 28 (3):117-122. [Full-Text]
2009 Breen S.; Cleary J.; O'Shea A. (2009) 'An investigation of the mathematical literacy of first year third-level students in the Republic of Ireland'. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 40 (2):229-246. [DOI]
2006 Dr Ann O'Shea (2006) 'Encouraging Good Mathematical Writing'. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 37 :101-104.
2003 Ann O'Shea (2003) 'A defect relation for slowly moving target hypersurfaces'. COMPLEX VARIABLES THEORY AND APPLICATION, 48 :19-41.
1999 Buckley, SM; O'Shea, J (1999) 'Weighted Trudinger-type inequalities'. Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 48 :85-114. [Full-Text]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2021 María Trigueros, Stèphanie Bridoux, Ann O’Shea, Laura Branchetti (2021) 'Challenging issues in the teaching and learning of Calculus and Analysis' In: Research and Development in University Mathematics Education. Oxon : Routledge.
2018 Sinead Breen, Ann O'Shea (2018) 'Threshold Concepts and Undergraduate Mathematics Teaching' In: The Best Writing on Mathematics 2017. Princeton and Oxford : Princeton University Press. [Full-Text]
2011 Mac an Bhaird C.; O'Shea A. (2011) 'The role of technology in mathematics support: A pilot study' In: Teaching Mathematics Online: Emergent Technologies and Methodologies. PA, USA : IGI Global. [DOI]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2015 Brien Nolan, Majella Dempsey, James Lovatt, Ann O'Shea (2015) 'Developing Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT) for pre-service teachers: a study of students developing thinking in relation to the teaching of mathematics' Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, 35 (1) :54-59. [Full-Text]
2015 Sinead Breen, Ann O'Shea (2015) 'Transition through Tasks' Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, 35 (1) :19-24. [Full-Text]
2012 O'Sullivan,B. , Breen, S., O'Shea, A. (2012) 'A consideration of familiarity in Irish mathematics examinations' Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, 32 :70-75. [Full-Text]
2011 S. Breen, T. Aysel, A. O'Shea (2011) 'A classification of questions from Turkish and Irish high-stakes examinations' Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, 31 :13-18. [Full-Text]
2011 S. Breen, A. O'Shea (2011) 'The use of mathematical tasks to develop mathematical thinking skills in undergraduate calculus courses - a pilot study' Looking ahead: the future of the country house: The Attingham Trust’s 60th Anniversary conference papers, 31 :43-48. [Full-Text]
2011 S.Breen, A. McCluskey, M.Meehan, J, ODonovan, A. O'Shea (2011) 'Reflection on Practice, in Practice: The Discipline of Noticing' Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, 31 :7-12. [Full-Text]
2010 M.Grehan, C. Mac an Bhaird, A. O'Shea (2010) 'Why do students not avail of mathematics support? A case study of first year students at NUI Maynooth' Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, 30 :254-258. [Full-Text]
2010 S. Breen, J. Cleary, A. O'Shea (2010) 'Measuring Students Persistence on Unfamiliar Tasks' Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, 30 :19-24. [Full-Text]

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2021 Diarmaid Hyland; Ann O'Shea; Sinead Breen; Brien Nolan; Paul van Kampen (2021) Research in Mathematics Education in Ireland . In: Mary Kingston;Paul Grimes eds. The Design of an Algebra Concept Inventory Dublin City University, [DOI]
2021 Diarmaid Hyland; Ann O'Shea (2021) Research in Mathematics Education in Ireland . In: Mary Kingston;Paul Grimes eds. The Student Perspective on COVID-19 Related Closures at Irish Universities with a Focus on Accessibility and Engagement Dublin City University, [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Dempsey M., O'Shea, A. (2019) Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Research in Mathematics Education in Ireland . In: Harbison, l., & Twohill, A eds. BEING ABLE TO DO MATHS BUT YET FEELING KIND OF FREE: USING THE FLAGWAY GAME TO LEARN MATHEMATICS [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Sinead Breen and Ann O'Shea (2019) Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Research in Mathematics Education in Ireland . In: L. Harbison, & A. Twohill eds. DILEMMAS EXPERIENCED IN LECTURING UNDERGRADUATE CALCULUS [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Sinead Breen, Caitriona Ni She, Ann O'Shea (2019) The Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education . In: Jankvist, U. T., Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M., & Veldhuis, M eds. Conjecturing tasks for undergraduate calculus students [Link] [Full-Text]
2018 Sinead Breen, Maria Meehan, Ann O'Shea and Tim Rowland (2018) INDRUM 2018 - Second Conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics An Analysis of University Mathematics Teaching using the Knowledge Quartet [Link] [Full-Text]
2017 Meehan, M; O' Shea, A; Breen, S (2017) PROCEEDINGS OF THE TENTH CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION (CERME10) "What you see and don't see, shapes what you do and don't do": Noticing in first year mathematics lectures
2017 Dempsey, M; O' Shea, A (2017) PROCEEDINGS OF THE TENTH CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION (CERME10) Critical evaluation and design of mathematics tasks: Pre-service teachers
2015 Breen, S; Larson, N; O' Shea, A; Pettersson, K (2015) PROCEEDINGS OF THE NINTH CONFERENCE OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION (CERME9) Students' concept images of inverse functions
2017 Maria Meehan, Ann O'Shea and Sinead Breen (2017) CERME 10 - Proceedings of the tenth congress of the European Society for Mathematics Education “What you see and don’t see, shapes what you do and don’t do”: Noticing in first year mathematics lectures [Link] [Full-Text]
2017 Dempsey, M & O'Shea A. (2017) CERME10 Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education Critical Evaluation and Design of Mathematics Tasks: Pre-Service Teachers Dublin, 01/02/2017- 05/02/2017 [Link] [Full-Text]
2016 Dempsey, M., O'Shea, A, & Burke, N. (2016) Science and Mathematics Education Conference (SMEC) Role of technology in promoting formative assessment practices in science and mathematics classes [Link] [Full-Text]
2016 Safia Hamza and Ann O'Shea (2016) INDRUM 2016 - First Conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics Concept Images of Open Sets in Metric Spaces [Link]
2015 Sinead Breen, Niclas Larson, Kerstin Pettersson, Ann O'Shea (2015) Proceedings of the ninth congress of the European Society for Mathematics Education, Prague, 2015 Students' concept images of inverse functions [Full-Text]
2014 Sinead Breen, Ann O'Shea (2014) Proceedings of the National Academy's Sixth Annual Conference and the Fourth Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference [e-publication] Designing tasks to aid understanding of mathematical functions [Full-Text]
2013 Brendan O'Sullivan, Sinad Breen, Ann O'Shea (2013) Proceedings Fifth Conference on Research in Mathematics Education MEI 5 We never did this: A framework for measuring novelty of tasks in Mathematics textbooks [Full-Text]
2013 Sinead Breen, Kirsten Pfeiffer, Ann O'Shea (2013) Proceedings of the Eight Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education The use of unfamiliar tasks in first year calculus courses to aid the transition from school to university mathematics [Full-Text]
2012 Sinead Breen, Ann O'Shea (2012) Proceedings of the 4th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference and 6th Annual NAIRTL Conference Designing tasks to aid understanding of functions [Full-Text]
2012 S. Breen, K. Pfeiffer, A. O'Shea (2012) Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Seoul An Evaluation of the Impact of Non-Standard Tasks on Undergraduate Learning
2012 M. Grehan, C. Mac an Bhaird, A. O'Shea (2012) Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Seoul The effect of fear on engagement with mathematics
2012 A. O'Shea, D. Wraith (2012) Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Seoul The Use of Problem-Solving Techniques as a Learning Tool in University Mathematics Courses
2011 Safia Hamza, Ann O'Shea (2011) Proceedings of the fourth conference on Research in Mathematics Education Students' misconceptions regarding infinity [Full-Text]
2011 Martin Grehan, Ciaran Mac an Bhaird, Ann O'Shea (2011) Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Research in Mathematics Education The effects of social interactions on engagement in mathematics [Full-Text]
2011 Sinead Breen, Ann O'Shea (2011) Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Research in Mathematics Education Designing rich sets of tasks for undergraduate calculus courses [Full-Text]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2018 Dempsey, M & and O'Shea, A. (2018) The Evaluation and Design of Tasks by Science and Mathematics Pre-Service Teachers SMEC 2018 Science and Mathematics Education DCU, .
2014 Dempsey, M., Burke, N., & O'Shea, A. (2014) ESRI Educational Research and Practice in Time of Transition: Looking to the Future Improving Progress through Formative Assessment in Science and Mathematics Education Ireland, 09/04/2015-11/04/2015.
2009 (2009) Measuring the effectiveness of mathematics support IUQB Quality Seminar Dublin, .
2009 (2009) First Year Students' Mathematics Learning Experience NAIRTL Conference TCD, .
2009 (2009) An Introduction to Rasch Analysis Workshop on Questionnaire Design and Analysis University of Limerick, .
2008 (2008) The transition to third level Mathematics Science and Mathematics Education Conference DCU, .
2007 (2007) Third level students' beliefs about Mathematics Mathematics Education in Ireland St Patrick's College, Drumcondra, .


Year Publication
2009 O'Shea, Ann and Mac an Bhaird, Ciaran (2009) Is mathematics support worthwhile? An overview of the 3rd Irish Workshop on Mathematics Learning and Support Centres. [Article] [Full-Text]
2007 Sinead Breen, Joan Cleary, Ann O'Shea (2007) Mathematics Education Experiences. [Article]


Year Publication
1991 Dr Ann O'Shea (1991) The defect relation for slowing moving tartget hypersurfaces. University of Notre Dame: [Thesis]
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