An Introduction to Qualitative Secondary Analysis: getting personal with existing data

Wednesday, February 23, 2022 - 10:00 to 15:00

An Introduction to Qualitative Secondary Analysis: getting personal with existing data

 *please note the date change for this event!

Qualitative Secondary Analysis (QSA) is gaining recognition as an emergent methodology with real potential for advancing knowledge in a new landscape of digital data, archives and infrastructures and a drive towards open access.  These changes are informing the agendas of European funding councils who increasingly require researchers to reuse existing data, and to deposit their data into appropriate archives at the conclusion of their study.
If you are considering using QSA in your own work, whether through the use of data you have already collected, or data archived in specialist resources, we invite you to attend a Workshop that introduces cutting edge debates and techniques of QSA.
This one-day Workshop will develop your knowledge and skills in reusing and analysing archived qualitative data. Methods of Qualitative Secondary Analysis (QSA) enable qualitative researchers to engage analytically with questions of data reuse for the purposes of building new research directions, questions and analyses, in the endeavour of rigorous qualitative research. Such questions include how data may be put to new uses and how they are rendered as particular kinds of evidence in relation to specific research questions and topics.
Guided data analysis will be structured by short presentations that focus on introducing methods of qualitative secondary data analysis, covering key methodological debates in the field. Group and paired work will involve using existing qualitative data to explore the possibilities, limitations and challenges of ‘depth-to-breadth’ methods of QSA.

Join presenters;

  • Dr. Anna Tarrant, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Lincoln, 
  • Dr. Kahryn Hughes, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Leeds.

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