Publication: The Journal of Military History and Defence Studies

Monday, February 3, 2020 - 13:30

The Centre for Military History and Strategic Studies are launching a brand new online open access journal – the Journal of Military History and Defence Studies – the first edition of which will be launched at 13.15 on Thurs 13 Feb in the Library, to coincide with their ‘Love data’ week. The aim is to provide a peer reviewed platform for work in these fields, including the work of new researchers, and to make this available to the widest possible audience. The first edition consisted of 5 articles based on theses submitted for the MA in MHSS in recent years. Our aim is for a 2nd edition in the summer based on work from our MA at the Military College.
The journal is currently seeking submissions from post-doctoral and postgrads in the field. 

Please use the following link for more information.