Funding Opportunity for Networking

Thursday, February 27, 2020 - 13:30

The Irish Research Council (IRC) and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) have now launched a networking call aimed at fostering the development of long-term relationships between social science researchers in the UK and Republic of Ireland. The deadline for application is May 20th, 2020, however there will be an internal deadline for all project wishing to receive a review of the Irish budget component of their application.
Responding to the Brexit-related uncertainty, this call aims at forging new relationships and cementing the existing ones, reinforcing bridges between the UK and Irish Social Science communities. As such, there are no thematic restrictions within this call.
The overall budget for this call is £200,000 co-funded between ESRC and IRC. Proposals must include a UK component of maximum £10,000 GBP and an Irish component of maximum €11,800 EUR (at 100% non‑standard fEC).  Up to 10 awards are expected to be funded, which will run for 12 months and will generally commence by late summer 2020. 
Application Process

Proposals must be submitted through the UKRI Joint Electronic Submissions System (Je-S) by the UK Principal Investigator’s research organisation:

Please note that following the launch of this call, submissions via Je-S will become available on Monday 2 March 2020
All information and application materials can be found here. Irish applicants can address their queries to:
If you intend to apply, please complete an intent to submit on Maynooth University’s RIS system.