The ERC DANCING project is delighted to announce that the collaboration with MART (Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rovereto, Italy) and the iNEST project (in the North East of Italy - a new Ecosystem paradigm) was captured in an exciting video created by Feenish Productions Ltd.
As highlighted by Professor Fergus Ryan, Head of the School of Law and Criminology, “This video showcases an interdisciplinary approach to research and an important collaboration with other institutions. As a School, we are constantly expanding our collaborative network, by building connections with universities in Ireland and abroad, civil society groups, cultural institutions and legal professionals. Thus, this video wonderfully displays the ethos and mission of the School and of Maynooth University at large”.
The video encapsulates, in fact, a long and fruitful synergy between these projects, which culminated at the Event on Accessible and Inclusive Culture (Italy, 12th October 2024), in a seminar entitled “For an Accessible and Inclusive Culture”, which the video portrays. This initiative builds on both previous research collaborations and the very long-standing Erasmus partnership between Maynooth University and the University of Trento. At the event, Professor Delia Ferri, the Principal Investigator of DANCING, presented some of the findings of the research, which focuses on the right to culture for persons with disabilities. Her contribution focused on accessible culture as a human right.
In commenting on the video, Professor Ferri stressed that “Cultural participation of persons with disabilities is a vitally important topic. This video contributes to raise awareness on disability rights and on the need for accessibility and inclusivity to be fully embedded in cultural organisations”.
The video has been released on 29 January 2025, and is now available on the Videos section of the DANCING website.