Prof David Scourfield

I came to Ireland to take up the Chair of Classics at Maynooth University (then NUI Maynooth) in 1998. I cannot remember a time when I was not interested in ancient Greece and Rome, and at school in Wales I was fortunate to have a very inspiring Latin (and Greek) teacher, who did a great deal to shape my future. I studied for a BA in Classics at Jesus College, Oxford, and stayed on to write a doctoral thesis on the letters of Jerome under the supervision of Michael Winterbottom. After a period working in parliamentary administration in London, I took up a lectureship at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (‘Wits’) in 1984, became Head of Department four years later, and was appointed to the Jan Hofmeyr Chair of Classics in 1995.
My career has been quite varied. In addition to teaching across a very wide range (from Homer to the Arab conquest of north Africa, and beyond), I have been fortunate to hold an array of interesting positions in several countries. I was joint editor of The Classical Review from 2002 to 2005, have for many years been an associated member of the Editorial Board of Akroterion (Stellenbosch, South Africa), and was formerly a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Scholia (Dunedin, New Zealand). From 2007 to 2013 I served as Chair of Council of the Classical Association, the largest subject organization for Classics in the UK, having previously (1997–8) held the post of Chair of the Classical Association of South Africa. I have also held appointments as Chair of the Committee on Classical Tradition and Reception of the American Philological Association (now the Society for Classical Studies; 2013-14) and Vice-Chair of the Royal Irish Academy’s Committee for Classical and Near Eastern Studies (2010-13). I am currently a member of the Academy's Historical Studies Committee, and continue to represent the Academy on the Internationale Thesaurus-Kommission of the Thesaurus linguae Latinae.
Research Interests
I am interested in practically all aspects of Antiquity, and my research embraces both literature and ancient social and cultural history. In general, it has four main emphases: (a) bereavement and consolation in the ancient world; (b) the literature of late Antiquity, especially Jerome; (c) the Greek and Roman novel; (d) twentieth-century receptions of the classical world, especially in English literature from 1900 to 1939. I am currently working on a monograph on E. M. Forster and Classics, as well as a new edition of his second novel, The Longest Journey, commissioned by Cambridge University Press as part of The Cambridge Edition of the Fiction of E. M. Forster; and I have for some time been working on a major book-length study of the ancient consolatory letter, where sociohistorical questions are as much of a concern as more traditional literary and philosophical matters. Recent publications include a volume on representations of violence in Latin literature, Texts and Violence in the Roman World, co-edited with Monica Gale of Trinity College Dublin (Cambridge, 2018).
Book Chapter
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2018 | Scourfield, J. H. D. (2018) 'Classical In/stabilities: Virginia Woolf, Ford Madox Ford, and the Great War'. Classical Receptions Journal, 10 (4):435-457. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Scourfield, J. H. D. (2017) 'Classical Land/scapes: Transformative Geography in E. M. Forster's Early Short Fiction'. Caliban: French Journal of English Studies, 58 :185-202. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Scourfield, J. H. D. (2012) 'Euripides, Hippolytus 136'. RHEINISCHES MUSEUM FÜR PHILOLOGIE, 155 :225-232. [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Scourfield, J. H. D. (2010) 'Chaereas, Hippolytus, Theseus: Tragic Echoes, Tragic Potential in Chariton'. PHOENIX-THE JOURNAL OF THE CLASSICAL ASSOCIATION OF CAN, 64 :291-313. [Full-Text] | |
1997 | Scourfield, J. H. D. (1997) 'A Note on Jerome's Homily on the Rich Man and Lazarus'. Theological studies, 48 :536-539. [Full-Text] | |
1996 | Scourfield, J. H. D. (1996) 'The De mortalitate of Cyprian: Consolation and Context'. Vigiliae Christianae, 50 :12-41. [Full-Text] | |
1995 | Scourfield, J. H. D. (1995) 'Consoling Heliodorus: A Reply to Marc Kleijwegt's Review'. Acta Classica, 38 :107-111. [Full-Text] | |
1992 | Scourfield, J. H. D. (1992) 'The Classics after Apartheid'. Classical Journal, 88 :43-54. [Full-Text] | |
1989 | Scourfield, J. H. D. (1989) 'Life, the Universe and Everything: An Intellectual History of Greece for the Innocent'. AKROTERION, 34 :137-146. [Full-Text] | |
1987 | Scourfield, J. H. D. (1987) 'Teaching Greek Tragedy in Translation: A Consolidated Approach'. AKROTERION, 32 :49-55. [Full-Text] | |
1987 | Scourfield, J. H. D. (1987) 'Notes on the Text of Jerome, Letters 1 and 107'. Classical Quarterly, 37 :487-497. [Full-Text] | |
1986 | Scourfield, J. H. D. (1986) 'Jerome, Antioch, and the Desert: A Note on Chronology'. Theological studies, 37 :117-121. [Full-Text] |
Conference Contribution
Book Review
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