Professor Huff only person to be Fellow of all three major management societies: AOM, SMS and EURAM

Thursday, October 8, 2015 - 09:30

Professor Anne Huff, School of Business has been elected to a Fellow of the Strategy Management Society, making her the only person in the world to be a fellow of all three major management academic associations: the Academy of Management (AOM), the European Academy of Management (EURAM) and SMS. Professor Huff has been recognised for her influential strategy research on cognition and organisational change, open innovation and the process of academic research and publication. Professor Huff’s research in strategy is considered as a foundation of much research in strategy. Her research is frequently cited in the papers of researchers worldwide as a foundation upon which to build their work. She has received over 8750 google scholar citations, which give a small indication of the influence her work has had on strategy research. Professor Huff is the only person who is a fellow of all three of the Academy of Management (almost 20000 global members from 115 countries, with 200 fellows), the European Academy of Management (over 1000 members worldwide, 8 fellows) and the SMS (over 3000 members from 80 countries, 75 fellows). This is a recognition of the enormous and sustained contribution that Anne has made to our understanding of the theory and practice of strategy. Maynooth University School of Business are proud to have Anne as one of our faculty. Her commitment as an educator is profound and generous. She teaches our first year undergraduates a module on innovation, our postgraduates innovation and research methods modules, our PhD students a range of modules and offers leadership to students and faculty on the process of research. 

The SMS is one of the largest and most influential management associations in the world, with over 3000 members from 80 countries working in over 1200 education and business institutions. The purpose of the SMS is to facilitate the development and dissemination of insights on the strategic management process and exchange of ideas worldwide. SMS runs the most prestigious and successful academic journal on strategy in the world, the Strategic Management Journal, hosts an annual conference that rotates between North America, Europe and Asia, as well as a series of conferences on special topics throughout the world that bring academics and practice firms together. The purpose of the Fellows of the SMS is to recognize and honor members of the Strategic Management Society who have made significant contributions to the theory and practice of strategic management, as well as to provide opportunities for fellowship and a forum for discussion among persons so recognised and honoured. She joins leaders in the field such as Henry Mintzberg, Michael Porter, Constance Helfat, Don Hambrick, Andrew Pettigrew, Charles Baden-Fuller, Robert Burgelman, Robert Grant amongst others in both contributing to the development of and future direction of the field of strategy.
The magnitude of this achievement is worth considering. AOM has almost 20000 members from 115 countries, with only 200 fellows (or 1% of the membership). SMS has 3000 members from 80 countries, with only 75 fellows (2.5% of members). EURAM has around 1000 members, with 8 fellows (or 0.8% of the membership). To be a fellow of one of these professional associations is to be recognised as a research leader in your field. To be recognised by all three is to our knowledge a unique achievement and a reflection of the unique commitment that Anne has made to our profession as a researcher, mentor and educator. What is wonderful about Professor Huff is her commitment to her students and staff. She translates her research into the class room, thus bringing unique insights into innovation on a global scale to students in Maynooth. Today on her return from receiving her SMS fellowship in Colorado she is teaching an innovation module to first year undergraduates of Maynooth University. Anne has achieved on a global scale whilst also being a generous educator, teaching on our first year undergraduate programs, our masters programs, our PhD and giving insights and leadership to faculty in research. More details of Anne’s work can be found at:
Links to learn more about:
Strategic Management Society see - ; and about the Fellows of the SMS see -
Academy of Management see - ; and about the Fellows of the AOM see -
European Academy of Management see - ; and about the fellows of AOM see -
Professor Anne Huff see -