The h-Index and its Consistency on Aggregated Levels

Departmental h-indices for UK Physics Departments
Friday, May 6, 2022 - 15:00 to 16:00

Dr. Olesya Mryglod

Institute for Condensed Matter Physics
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Lviv, Ukraine

Abstract.  We have made another attempt to understand the nature of h-index and its consistency on aggregated levels.  The h-index is an established method for determining an individual researcher's impact on the scientific literature, and is often extended to evaluate the performance of an entire academic department.  We have revisit the so-called departmental h-index calculated in a straightforward manner.  While the influence of unit size on such collective measures was already demonstrated a decade ago, institutional ratings based on this metric can still be found and still impact on the reputations and funding of many research institutions.  Therefore, our aim is to demonstrate the fallacy of this approach using a real scientometric data and random reshuffling approach.  An overview on the topic of individual h-index and its generalizations will be performed in this talk.