Love Data Week 2020

Monday, February 10, 2020 - 09:00 to Friday, February 14, 2020 - 22:00
Maynooth University Library

Maynooth University Library will be hosting Love Data Week during the week of 10-14 February, 2020. The hashtag is #lovedata20. Similar to Open Access Week, the purpose of Love Data Week is to raise awareness and build a community to engage on topics related to research data management, sharing, preservation, re-use and library-based research data services and to highlight the importance of data and the many uses and applications arising from it.

This year, according to the Love Data Week website the event will focus on working with students to help them get to know the data specialists at their institution, the kinds of work they do, and the data and associated issues that these data specialists engage with. A number of talks, exhibitions and information stands will be held during the week all showcasing different aspects of the use and engagement with data across Maynooth University, especially open data.

Monday 10 February

09:00- 22:00      Exhibition in the Library Foyer


Tuesday 11 February

 09:00- 22:00      Exhibition in the Library Foyer


Wednesday 12 February

09:00- 22:00    Exhibition in the Library Foyer

10:30-13:00     Information stand in the Library Foyer

  • MURAL (Maynooth University Research Archive Library)
    Suzanne Redmond Maloco, Institutional Repository Manager

10:30-11:00    Overview of Open Science and Research Data Management

  • Ciaran Quinn, Research Support Librarian, Maynooth University
    Library Training Room B

 11:00-11:30    Analysing data from the Dublin City public bikes API

  • Dr Joe Timoney, Department of Computer Science
    Library Training Room B

 12:00-13:00     OpenStreetMap – the ultimate open and global geographic database


Thursday 13 February

09:00- 22:00  Exhibition in the Library Foyer

10:00-13:00   Information Stand in Library Foyer

  • Ogham 3D project and Chronhib project
    Dr Nora White, Department of Early Irish

10:00-12:00  Workshop - Dublin Open Data 3D model, Training Room B

          (as featured in the Dublin Data Hack 2019)            

  • Oliver Dawkins, Data and Training Co-Ordinator,
    National Centre for Geo-computation/MUSSI
  • Students are encouraged to follow along with the demonstration but would need to do the following in preparation:
  1. Bring their own Laptop
  2. Download Unity free version for personal use
  3. Download the 3DDataHack 3D Model Resources

12:45-13:00   Refreshments in Training Room B, ground floor of the Library                   

13:00-13:15   Library as publisher

  • Cathal McCauley, University Librarian
    Library Training Room B

13:15-13:45   Launch of Journal of Military History and Defence Studies

  • Ian Speller, Department of History
    Library Training Room B

14:00-15:00   A Series of talks in The Library, Training Room B

  • Analysis of Dublin City Marathon Data
    Eoin McLoughlin, Fiona Devaney, Lakshya Gazaresen, Vishal Walia, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
  • Exploring the Food World Cup dataset
    Kunal Goyal, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
  • Irish Baby Names Exploratory Analysis 
    Arpansurbhi, Rishabh Vishwakarma, Gaurav Hodade, Kevin Kinsella, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
  • Analysis of NCT data
    Shauna Mooney, Deepak Kumar Yuvanesan, Anandita Ashwath, Department of Mathematics and Statistics


Friday 14 February

09:00- 22:00    Exhibition in the Library Foyer

10:30-13:00   Information Stand in Library Foyer

  • National Open Data Portal
    Rhoda Kerins, Open Data Unit, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform

14:00-15:30   A Series of talks & poster presentation in The Library, Training Room B

  • Statistical Analysis of Multisite Grassland Data
    Bharvi Dhall, Ganesh Sharma and Niamh Mimnagh, Hamilton Institute


  • De-Anonymising Graphs for Fun and Profit
    Amit Chinwan, Hannah Comiskey, Daire Healy, Hamilton Institute


  • Is it a truck or a hamster? Machine learning techniques for image classification 
    Kevin Galligan, Anna Konrad, Fred Valdez, Hamilton Institute


  • Detecting predation using image classification algorithms
    Gabriel Palma, Rafael Moral, Department of Mathematics and Statistics

 14:00-16:15       Poster Presentation

  • Random Forest Visualisation
    Alan Inglis, Catherine Hurley, Andrew Parnell, Hamilton Institute


Information on the Design Innovation Exhibition

Creating solutions that put sustainability at the heart of society 

Many design concepts rely on data in order to work. The Royal Society of Arts (RSA) student briefs rely on data to inform design thinking to tackle a range of pressing social, environmental and economic issues. For the two ESB briefs, Generation Z and Low Carbon Challenge, students took an informed and broad practical approach to data, from a qualitative approach to engage with communities, to big data that monitors community and personal energy consumption. With Gen Z, they examined assumptions and determined if they were supported by data. Through ethnographic research, students gathered key insights into consumer behaviour and used these insights to develop solutions that embraced the opportunities big data provides to tailor services and energy-saving solutions to users.
ESB 4 Gen Z
3rd Year BSc Product Design students, Department of Design Innovation, worked on a live project with Jeff Walsh, Senior Product Manager, New Business & Markets ESB to examine the assumptions around Gen Z and their knowledge of energy and ESB. Using ethnographic research methods, they gathered key insights that they developed into creative concepts for a ‘cool product’ or service aimed at Gen Z. Based on both an understanding of the Gen Z needs and wants, the concepts focussed on one specific area adjacent to energy that could be brought to market by ESB. What can ESB do to better serve the needs of Gen Z?
ESB Low Carbon Challenge
MSc Design Innovation students were challenged to make Low Carbon Living achievable and desirable for ordinary people.  Working with Mark Fowler, Innovation Capability Manager, and Jeff Walsh at ESB, the students created and developed innovative design solutions ranging from interactive products to community action. “If people got into a mind-set of making small changes and recognising the carbon and other environmental and personal benefits of these changes, perhaps it would spur them on to the bigger transformations” (Fergal Egan, Innovation Hub Manager ESB). Change is difficult. Where change involves any significant level of expenditure, people want to be certain they are making the right decisions to get the desired outcomes. Transformation to a low carbon life, in terms of energy footprint and mobility behaviours, is very challenging for many people in society.  Our MSc Design Innovation students addressed the absence of tools and services that help people identify simple first steps that can help them move to a low carbon lifestyle.
RSA 2019-20 Competition entries
The RSA Student Design Awards is a global curriculum and competition for emerging designers that’s been running since 1924. It challenges students to tackle pressing social, environmental and economic issues through design thinking. 4th Year BSc Product Design students worked in teams from a choice of nine real-world challenges rooted in big societal problems. How might we design ways to make fashion circular, engage diverse communities through food, or transform health using AI? How could we unlock joy at train stations, make active travel accessible, harness the potential of woodlands or help displaced people to find safety and dignity? 
W2W Annual Student Design Competition 2019
This year’s competition challenged students to use “Circular Economy” principals to  improve natural human interactions in the work/learn space. A large percentage of the world’s furniture ends up in landfill after a relatively short period of time. Very little is done from a systems thinking perspective, to achieve multiple lives from components or furniture, resulting in mass quantities on unnecessary waste. Students demonstrated an ability to think about both the needs of the users and  how their solution can be reused, redeveloped or broken down as components for new furniture in another life.

OpenStreetMap – the ultimate open and global geographic database

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a free, editable map database of the whole world created by citizens in every country in the world. OSM was started in 2004 in the UK and through an open crowdsourcing approach now includes data about roads, buildings, addresses, shops and businesses, points of interest, railways, trails, transit, land use and natural features, and much more for every country. In many cases OSM provides the most up-to-date geographic available in many countries, cities and regions around the world.
Daily, more than 1 million people contribute data to OSM in every country in the world, using free tools and software. This data is then used by local people, volunteer groups, companies, governments, scientists, academics, software developers and more.
So how can you use OpenStreetMap in your research, study, daily life, etc? This LoveDataWeek 2020 session will given an introduction to OSM with examples of where and how it is being used. The session will be interactive and hands-on so if attendees have their laptop with them they can check out some of the links and applications being discussed. No special software is required (a web-browser is fine). OpenStreetMap is open data, licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL)