On 11 September 2024 the School of Law and Criminology hosted an event ‘From PhD to Published’. The seminar was coordinated by the Editors in Chief of the Irish Yearbook of International Law: Dr James Gallen, Dr Richard Collins, and Dr Bríd Ní Ghráinne. Dr Ní Ghráinne is an Associate Professor at the School of Law of Criminology.
The seminar was aimed at international law PhD students who would like to get started on their first publication. Dr Ní Ghráinne and Dr Gallen shared tips on turning a PhD chapter into an article, how to write a good book review, and what editors look for in terms of publication criteria. They also answered questions from the audience and welcomed submissions for the next edition of the Irish Yearbook of International Law.
More information about the Irish Yearbook of International Law and the current call for papers is available here.