Dr. Lynsey Black delivers a paper on her research as part of the UCD Centre for the History of Medicine in Ireland seminar series

Dr. Lynsey Black delivers a paper on her research as part of the UCD Centre for the History of Medicine in Ireland seminar series
Thursday, November 1, 2018 - 08:30

Dr. Lynsey Black was recently invited to deliver a paper on her research as part of the UCD Centre for the History of Medicine in Ireland seminar series. The paper, ‘Diagnosing Insanity: Women, Murder and Mental Health in Twentieth-Century Ireland’, explored three case studies of women convicted of murder in post-independence Ireland, and discussed how diagnoses and criminal justice responses were contingent on factors such as class, respectability, age and marital status. The seminar drew on Lynsey’s recently published article in the Social History of Medicine. Lynsey lectures on the undergraduate modules 'Introduction to Criminological Theory', 'Introduction to Criminal Justice', 'Sentencing and Non-Custodial Alternatives', and is module co-ordinator of 'Gender, Crime and Criminal Justice'. LW272 link is: http://apps.maynoothuniversity.ie/courses/?TARGET=MODULE&MODE=VIEW&MODULE_CODE=LW272&YEAR=2019t A flyer for the event is here: https://hstmnetworkireland.files.wordpress.com/2018/09/ucd-chomi-seminar-dr-lynsey-black-20-sept-2018.pdf The link to the published article is here: https://academic.oup.com/shm/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/shm/hky064/5078589?redirectedFrom=fulltext