Dr. Delia Ferri speaks at the International Conference "Il cibo tra sostenibilità alimentare, salvaguardia dei saperi tradizionali e valorizzazione dei territori" in Trieste

Monday, May 21, 2018 - 10:00

Dr. Delia Ferri presented a paper on traditional knowledge in the EU cultural governance at the International Conference  "Il cibo tra sostenibilità alimentare, salvaguardia dei saperi tradizionali e valorizzazione dei territori".

The conference was organized and convened by Prof. Serena Baldin  and Prof. Moreno Zago of the University of Trieste and was financed by the Erasmus+-Jean Monnet Module “Ensueu”. The conference was held in Trieste on May, 10 and 11, in collaboration with the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia and under the patronage of Bar Association of Friuli Venezia Giulia and of Slow Food FVG. It was introduced by Paolo De Castro (European Parliament - former Italian ministry for agriculture).  

Other speakers included Prof. Barbara Pozzo (University of Insubria), Prof. Angelo Rinella (University LUMSA of Rome), Prof. Beatriz Gregoraci Fernández (Autonomous University of Madrid), Prof. Sabrina Lanni (University of Milan), Dr. Luisella Pavan-Woolfe (Council of Europe) and Dr. Josip Matassi (University of Zara).

The slides of the event (in Italian) are freely available at the website: https://dispes.units.it/it/didattica/node/21585. Other information on the event: http://jeanmonnet.ning.com/events/international-conference-il-cibo-tra-sostenibilit-alimentare?xg_source=activity