Defending the Rights of Displaced Communities in the Gaza Strip Dr. Ibrahim Natil

Thursday, November 24, 2016 - 14:00
NIRSA Seminar Room, Iontas Building, North Campus

Palestine Seminar Series hosted by Maynooth University Departments of English, Geography & Law.  Dr. Ibrahim Natil is a Research Fellow at the Institute for International Conflict Resolution & Reconstruction,  Dublin City University. His most recent book is Hamas Transformation: Opportunities & Challenges (Cambridge Scholars, 2015). Ibrahim is also founder of the Society Voice Foundation (SVF) in Palestine. This talk relates to a project implemented by SVF, in cooperation with the Human Rights & International Humanitarian Law Secretariat, around the rights of communities in Gaza displaced by Israeli bombardment in 2014.

24 November  at 2pm  - NIRSA Seminar Room, Iontas Building, North Campus.

All welcome.