CETA, Investment Courts and the Irish Constitution - International, European and Constitutional Law

Monday, March 22, 2021 - 12:30 to 14:00

Maynooth University Department of Law recently held a very successful online seminar titled ‘ CETA, Investment Courts and the Irish Constitution - International, European and Constitutional Law’
In conversation with academics from Maynooth University, speakers explored:
What is the role of investment protection in trade agreements? How is CETA, and the new Investment Court System, different from existing investment treaties? Do these changes adequately address criticisms of older treaties?
What are the powers of European Union institutions and EU member states over trade and investment agreements? Why does CETA need to be ratified by Ireland and other EU member states? What has the European Court of Justice actually said in its judgments on CETA and other recent trade and investment agreements?
How do the Irish courts review the constitutionality of international treaties? What are the specific constitutional questions being raised in relation to CETA? Is CETA’s  Investor Court System constitutional?

To view a recording of this event, please click here (registration required).

Professor Elaine Fahey is Jean Monnet Chair of Law & Transatlantic Relations and Professor of Law at the Institute for the Study of European Law (ISEL), the City Law School, City, University of London. Her research interests span the relationship between EU law and global governance, trade, transatlantic relations, and the study of law beyond the State. She has previously held appointments and fellowships at the European University Institute, Florence, NYU, the University of Amsterdam, Keio Law School Tokyo and Dublin Institute of Technology, and formerly practised as a barrister in Ireland.
Dr Mona Pinchis-Paulsen is Assistant Professor of International Economic Law at the LSE, where she works on international trade and investment. She is currently completing a book for Oxford University Press on the ‘fair and equitable treatment’ (FET) treaty standard, the most litigated and most controversial aspect of international investment law. Before joining the LSE, she held fellowships at Stanford and NYU, and was a visiting lecturer at the University of California (Davis) and King’s College London. She is a qualified Canadian lawyer, and has advised on a number of international investment and trade disputes.
Dr Conor Casey is a Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute, Florence and Assistant Lecturer at Maynooth University. His research focuses on administrative law, constitutional theory, and comparative constitutional law, with a particular focus on the place of the executive branch in the constitutional order and the impact of apex executive branch lawyers on executive authority. That research has been cited in the Irish Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal. He has previously taught at Trinity College Dublin and Dublin City University, and is admitted as a barrister in Ireland.