These workshops aim to address the data needs of community organisations concerned with issues of settlement and integration, and to provide practical training in the use of large-scale data sets. It will enable community organisations to access and use data in order to support their work around settlement and integration.
Participants in the morning workshop will develop a research question, and access datasets to find relevant answers.
Participants of the afternoon workshop will use the data generated from the morning workshop (or data they may already have if not participating in the morning workshop) to produce and present an infographic based on information relevant to the work of their organisation that they wish to communicate.
By Prof. Mary Gilmartin and Dr Jennifer Dagg, Maynooth University.
Public welcome to attend.
Please register to attend here.
This event is part of Maynooth University Research Week 2017. In June 2017 Maynooth University celebrated the 20th anniversary of its founding as an independent university. Research Week 2017 is part of a year-long series of programmes and activities marking this milestone.