Presentation on Trauma in Conflict

Trauma in conflict intervention
Monday, October 3, 2016 - 14:00

Patty Abozaglo, Adjunct Faculty of the Kennedy Institute will be  presenting her work on Trauma in conflict intervention on Tues 18  at 9.30 am.

Patty's presentation is part of the international  symposium     'Mapping Spectral Traces 8: Place of the Wound'    that runs on campus from  14 to 20 October 2016

This symposium brings together indigenous, North American, South African and Irish artists, activists and scholars who share a common concern in addressing the painful histories of dispossession. Through workshops, talks, walks, exhibitions and ‘mappings’, participants will acknowledge ongoing colonial violences that accompany historical conflict, displacement, and social-ecological damage and inequality. We will also explore alternative spatial imaginaries tied to memory-work, care and spatial justice, the better to meet local-global challenges.