When: Thursday, October 21, 2021 - 13:00 to Friday, October 22, 2021 - 18:30
Where: OnlineFMAS is an academic workshop presenting current research in applying Formal Methods to Autonomous Systems. FMAS 2021 will run over two days on the 21st and 22nd of October 2021.
Invited speakers include Dr Divya Gopinath, Researcher in Formal Verification in the Robust Software Engineering (RSE) group at the NASA Ames Research Center, USA, and Professor Clare Dixon, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Manchester (UK) and leader of the Autonomy and Verification research group.
For the full list of accepted papers and the draft schedule, please see our website: https://fmasworkshop.github.io/FMAS2021
Autonomous - and Robotic - Systems present unique challenges for formal methods. The goals of this workshop are to bring together leading researchers in autonomy and formal methods to present recent and ongoing work, including experience reports and case studies as well as identify future directions for this emerging application of formal methods.
This workshop is concerned with the use of formal methods to specify, model, or verify autonomous or robotic systems, in whole or in part. Submissions may focus on case studies that identify the challenges for formal methods in this area, or experience reports that provide guidelines for tackling these challenges.