Panopto is our online platform for lecture capture and recording desktop video at Maynooth University. Panopto enables you to record, live stream, share and manage video content from your computer (PC & MAC), laptop or mobile device. Panopto is integrated with our virtual learning environment (VLE), Moodle. 

There are a number of ways you can use Panopto.
Lecture Capture
You can record and live stream lectures from the shared teaching spaces (lecture theatres and classhalls) on campus. In Panopto, this function is called webcast. It is also possible to record and live stream your lectures from your own desktop compupter or laptop.

Record Video on your Desktop
By downloading Panopto software on your desktop PC or MAC, you can record, edit and share video content as part of an asynchronous or flipped classroom approach. 

Video Assignments

You can create video assignment folders for modules in Panopto.  Students will be able to record their assignment and submit a video to this folder through a Moodle Online Text Assignment.