Research Focus

At present, two principal areas are the main focus of attention. These are the receptor for Retinol Binding Protein (RBP) which has been a central interest for at least two decades and which has recently received a huge boost by the identification of the corresponding gene. Current work is involved with understanding the structure/function relationships of a number of facets of the mechanism of action of this receptor-the binding of extracellular and intracellular RBPs, the transport of retinol and interactions with other proteins and systems. A chemical biology approach is being taken to probe the functional behaviour of the protein particularly in the context of diseases such as derangements in tissue development and type 2 diabetes.

Biology - Retinol Binding Protein - Maynooth University

The second research area, also a long-standing interest, is G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). Here, activity is concerned with the design and discovery of new agonists/antagonists and pharmacological chaperones, with the characterization and “de-orphanising” of members of new distinct families of GPCRs and with the use of these receptors in a new format for biosensors.

Biology - G-Protein Coupled Receptors - Maynooth University

Further projects on-going in the laboratory can be found under Dr. Gemma ​Kinsella