Dr Rosie Gowran member of the Assisted Living and Learning (ALL) Institute, Maynooth University has a new paper published in Disability and Rehab: “Unknown world of wheelchairs” A mixed methods study exploring experiences of wheelchair and seating assistive technology provision for people with spinal cord injury in an Irish context."
This study explores people living with spinal cord injury (SCI) experiences and perspectives of wheelchair and seating assistive technology service provision within an Irish context. There are few studies that examine the process of wheelchair and seating provision and the connection between satisfaction, performance, and participation.
This mixed methods study explores participant experiences in two parts. Part one presents a thematic analysis of eight in-depth semi-structured interviews with wheelchair service users living with SCI. Part two presents the results content and frequency analysis of an on-line survey of wheelchair service user’s experience and satisfaction with wheelchair and seating service provision from respondents with SCI (n = 117) taken from a larger national survey from respondents with various diagnoses (n = 273).
Findings from the interviews and survey revealed the meaning of wheelchair and seating assistive technology provision as essential to life following SCI. Barriers within the provision system such as wait times and funding were found to impede people’s rights and freedom from initial assessment through to follow up, maintenance and repair.
The current implementation of wheelchair and seating assistive technology provision as described in this paper impacts the ability of individuals living with an SCI to participate as equal members of society. A review of wheelchair provision is essential to optimize access to services for appropriate wheelchairs.
Find the full article here.