ALL member, Rosie Gowran teaches a pre-symposium course with colleagues Sharon Sutherland and Jackie Casey: "Wheelchair Assessment & Provision: Bridging the Gap" at the 35th International Seating Symposium (ISS), David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, PA USA.
Wheelchair provision processes fall short when aspiring to meet people’s posture, seating and mobility needs across the life course. Major gaps within the provision system exist, affecting health and wellbeing of key stakeholders involved. Individual wheelchair users and families should be front and centre of the provision process, yet they are receiving incomplete services. Ad hoc service delivery systems rarely maintain a holistic approach, focusing on one or two aspects, such as assessment and delivery. These aspect also lack uniformity, depending on the service attended, the skill of the therapist and vendor, goals prioritised and funding available. Internationally there is a drive to bridge the gaps within the system, to ensure access to appropriate wheelchairs. This one-day workshop will apply a systems thinking approach, addressing all elements, which should be considered when striving to provide services that will meet people’s needs throughout life. It will provide practical solutions to prioritization, information gathering, goal setting, understanding body functions and structures, mat assessment, choosing the right wheelchair and seating, maintaining health and wellbeing across the life course, maintenance and management, outcome measure and sustainability indicators. A whole systems approach is essential, working together as wheelchair professionals to meet this primary assistive technology need.
Read More: Wheelchair Assessment & Provision: Bridging the Gap