ALL member, Katriona O'Sullivan gives input into an article in the Irish Times entitled:
Long division: Are we doing enough to narrow the inequality gap in Irish schools? A gaping chasm remains in outcomes between our poorest schools and others
"It’s a short distance from Knocknaheeny on Cork’s northside to the gates of University College Cork. But it’s a route that crosses some of the deepest ravines of the country’s social divide. Along with the high levels of unemployment, only one in 10 young people living in the area go on to third-level education. In more affluent areas, up to nine in 10 follow this route. Ger O’Donovan is principal of St Mary’s on the Hill in Knocknaheeny. His school is one of about 900 that are part of the Deis scheme, a targeted initiative to combat educational disadvantage. These schools typically benefit from smaller class sizes, access to literacy and numeracy supports and school meals programmes. St Mary’s is classified as an “urban band one” school, which means it has the highest concentration of disadvantage in the education system. The programme is a recognition of education’s unique capacity to break down cycles of disadvantage – but is it working? Read more