As part of our ongoing partnership with the AT2030 project, led by the Global Disability Innovation Hub (University College London), and funded by UK AID, the ALL Institute is pleased to be leading the research component of the Country Investment Fund. This fund will provide investments in up to 5 African countries to implement programs or services to improve access to assistive technologies. Each of the countries will have previously participated in a Country Capacity Assessment, in conjunction with the Clinton Health Access Initiative, and will be working towards implementation of an Action Plan.
The ALL Institute will be working with each of the successful applicants to develop and implement a research project to evaluate the impact of these investments, to gain a better understanding of ‘What Works’ in assistive technology investment.
Country Investment Fund (CIF)
The Global Disability Innovation Hub (GDI Hub) is pleased to announce the launch of the Country Investment Fund (CIF). The aim of the CIF is to make direct investments in activities which deliver foundational, strategic, agreed national AT priorities and reach disabled people directly with access to AT. This is undertaken in pursuit of building an evidence base in support of AT2030's purpose–finding out 'what works' to get AT to the people that need it around the world.
This £1 million direct investment will be split across 3-5 grants across different countries, to stimulate demand and kick-start processes to shift a non-functioning AT approach to one with sustainable long-term solutions at scale. It is anticipated that the investments will result in both systems-level, eco-systems changes (e.g. policy or capacity building) activity as well as direct testing of AT routes (AT in peoples' hands).
As part of the AT2030's 'Subprogramme 8: Country Capacity Assessments', assessments have been completed in 7 countries across Africa using newly developed tools. As part of the continued work in this AT2030 subprogramme, the Country Investment Fund (CIF) will support 3-5 grants in Africa that have already completed a CCA.
The CIF will consist of two parts, the 1) allocation of grants and 2) accompanying research, which will be led by the ALL Institute, Maynooth University.
Applications are sought from organisations that (1) are not a government entity (2) are able to provide approximately 50% match funding in cash or kind toward delivery of the aims (this can be toward the end of the programme to build sustainability) and (3) have the support of relevant Ministry/Ministries who lead on AT in the country in which they propose to work.
Bidders will need to demonstrate their willingness to engage with research to test the impact of their interventions and will also need to show how they have engaged with disabled people as part of their activities. Applications will be assessed according to a points-based system at the first and second stages. Bidders should not provide second-stage applications until invited to do so. The third stage of the process, Research Codesign, will only be conducted with successful stage 1 bidders.
For full requirements, please go to the following link at2030.org/countryinvestmentfund/
Applications will only be considered if applications are relevant to DFID priority countries that have completed a Country Capacity Assessment.
The countries are:
• Nigeria
• Sierra Leone
• Rwanda
• Malawi
• Liberia
• Ethiopia
• Uganda
Review the applications form and guidance and background documents in the following link: at2030.org/countryinvestmentfund
Submit applications and further queries to [email protected].
Deadline for stage one applications: 17:00 (BST) 31st JULY 2020
A webinar will be held on 2nd July at 13:00 BST to give further information on the application process. To register, use the following webinar link
For more information on the call for proposals, please visit https://at2030.org/countryinvestmentfund/